
Monday, January 4, 2016

Word of the Year: WORD16 at Elm Street Quilts

I have been playing this weekend with my Word of the Year:

Charged to create a mini and link up with WORD16, hosted by Patty at Elm Street Quilts, I actually incorporated my word right into my Daily Dot Journal Quilt!

Patty wanted us to display our mini in a way it can be viewed throughout the year, so I framed this motivator for display in my office:

I really like it, and perhaps I will do something more with this sometime during the year!
Maybe something with a bit more pizzazz...

I love all the words behind SOAR. I view them as necessary components.
Reflecting back on the past decade, it seems to me I have done my fair share of gliding.
A good thing in the swimming pool, not necessarily so in other areas!
I am rapidly approaching my mid-century mark and wanted my word to remind me that old dogs can learn new tricks. Personal challenges I have faced these past few years have tested my confidence and I want to Let Go & look to the future.
SOAR will serve as a reminder to think positively throughout the year and take action.

Plus, I just really like the word:)

Elm Street Quilts One Word 2016


  1. "Soar" does sound exciting Heidi, as do the words you put behind it. I love the daily circle you created to show it too!
    I don't so much mind gliding either. We live near the Niagara River and every day get to see the hawks gliding and playing in the updrafts.

  2. That's a great word! I like the framed words and the Mini you made.

    1. Thank you Mary, I will be showing the rest of the Dots later in the week!

  3. I LOVE your word SOAR!!! Looks like we are both ready to let go and look to the future with a new energy! Let's do it!!

  4. Great word, and I love the mini quilt. I think I will make a cushion with my word on it, which is Enjoy. x

  5. Lovely choice and I like your reasoning behind its selection.

  6. Soar is a great word for 2016 and I love how you've incorporated it into a quilt. Thanks for participating with Elm Street Quilts Word16!

  7. It's a great word to focus on. Good luck developing your wings this year.

  8. I like and hope it works well for you this year.

  9. Stellar post! Well thought out and well written. Down right perfect, and delightful to read! Love your mini!

  10. Heidi! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this! Such a great word and a fabulous project! xo jan

  11. That is a great word! Even though I had to look it up in the dictionary, lol.


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