
Saturday, January 2, 2016

One Monthly Goal: OMG Inaugural Launch!


Welcome to the inaugural Linkup post of  OMG: One Monthly Goal!

I hope to provide a place to encourage and celebrate one another's quilty goals!

After several days grieving the retirement of ALYoF, I felt compelled to launch OMG. Putting it all together has been rather spontaneous, and a few things may still need to be ironed out. Please feel free to email me, or leave a comment with any suggestions!

The details I have worked out are posted on the OMG page, linked by a tab at the top of my home page, and the OMG button will lead visitors to that page.
Here is how the guidelines read at this time:


One Monthly Goal is open to any quilter who would like to set (and achieve!) monthly goals, and share them in a group environment. This is a social linkup: Participant's are encouraged to spread cheer, encourage, and congratulate one another!

To participate:

Select ONE quilt-related goal and describe it in a blog post, with photo(s) of said project, and what you aim to finish. If you do not have a blog or web site, please join the OMG: One Monthly Goal Flickr Group and post a photo there with a written description of your goal. Be sure and come back to link-up with the goal setting party!

Each month, the goal-setting link-up will be open from the 1st through the 7th, PST. No exceptions!

Once you have achieved your written goal, be sure and come back again, during the last week of the month, to link your post at the OMG: It's Finished Party! It'll be open the last seven days of each month. The linkup will close at midnight the last night of the month, PST, no exceptions!

To be eligible for the prize by random drawing you must linkup here for both linkups; first your goal-setting oath, and again with your celebratory-accomplishment post. All entrants are eligible, worldwide, who have a valid mailing address.

Please link your posts to OMG: One Monthly Goal, with a link here from the post, and/or a button on the site.  Please, grab a button (from the sidebar) and join us!

Ready to Party?

So anxious to get the ball rolling I was, please be patient as I may need to add updates here or there!
The new Flickr group is looking a bit lonely so I hope you will consider heading over there to post a picture!

I am not a Facebook user - so sorry bout that FB fans!
I may begin Instagram soon, but not as of yet...

Once we are in motion, I will seek a couple sponsors to help out with prizes. Until then, I will offer one prize each month, open to anyone with a valid mailing address.

For the January prize, I have pulled one of the Valentine's Day Jam Rolls from my Etsy Fabric Shop (or any Jam Roll you prefer). It is an extra-wide jelly roll, 10 x 5" strips that can be cut into 80 x 5" charms, or 20 x 2.5" Strips.

Thank you for joining me, I hope we will be toasting many finishes together in 2016!


  1. I need to set my goals and will link up within the week. Some of my goals are a secret for now. Thanks for offering up a Valentine-y prize.

  2. Count me in! I already added your button and will post my January goal tomorrow and link it. Love the Valentine fabrics.

  3. I added your button to my blog and will link up my goal in the next couple of days. Thanks so much for taking this on! This will be FUN.

  4. I added your button to my blog and will link up my goal in the week.

  5. Woohoo! I like the one month, one goal thinking. I'll have to get that together.

  6. OMG! Love your concept and will be posting my goals in a day or two. Have been sick and still trying to get December's posts up to date!
    Giggling, when I complete something I usually think OMG but it doesn't stand for One Monthly Goal, just saying.

  7. A goal I can manage, having to have a finish each month pretty much defeats me. Thanks for offering an alternative to the "finishes" requirement. I'm hoping this will help me get to the finishes that are on the quilt plan for 2016.

  8. Thanks for creating the link up. I enjoyed participating with ALYOF. Good luck.

  9. I'm so glad you are doing this. I was sad to see ALYOF end after I was all geared up to finish some UFOs this year.

  10. I was sad too... Tanya told me you were starting a link up.
    I will get myself reorganized and post soon :)

  11. I was sad too... Tanya told me you were starting a link up.
    I will get myself reorganized and post soon :)

  12. So glad you're keeping this going! I used to be a sponsor at ALYoF, so let me know if you need sponsors!

  13. Thank you for starting this challenge. I too have been grieving the end of ALYoF and the motivation it has given me.

  14. Heidi, this is such a great idea to continue the tradition, but in a way that is much more doable for all of us! Wishing you great success!

  15. Thank you, Heidi!!! I would add your button to my blog but I haven't a clue how to do that!! Very happy to be adding OMG - I was really missing ALYoF!!

  16. Thanks! I seem to be able to complete my goal when I have this bit of accountability!

  17. I would be happy to sponsor your OMG parties with PDF patterns from my shop. Let me know!

  18. I'm all linked up! Thank you for taking up the torch!

  19. Thank you so much for doing this!

  20. Thank you for hosting! Great name for the linky!

  21. Thanks for doing this OMG! It's a great idea and I already have my first goal in mind..... Beautiful valentine's fabric!

  22. Oh! Thanks for doing this. I'm glad I found you before the first deadline. I was sad about no more ALYoF's this year. I only did four last year but it did help to make the monthly goals!

  23. Thanks so much for setting this up! Prizes or not, breaking down these small goals does help.

  24. I am sliding in at the last minute! :) I will visit around during the rest of the week :)

  25. Glad you are on board Deb!
    Because the launch had a late start, this first linkup is open until the 10th:-)

  26. Heidi! What a great link up! Looks like everyone is on board with a shorter deadline to reach those goals! I will have to share, and pick one of my 3 goals for the 100 day challenge to do this month. Cheering you on!

  27. Is the deadline for sign up 7th Jan or 10th Jan? Just trying to get my ducks in a row with photo & blog posting......

    1. This first linkup is extended due to the late start!

  28. I added my link and made my goal, even though I'm past the deadline - I promise to be on time next month - but this month I didn't hear about it until today. My goal for this month is to put away (ie shelve) all my quilting books in my studio. I've put aside this task since my husband took all the books down off the shelves to put up my design wall (he had to move the bookshelves to do it). While it's not a HUGE task, I have been putting it off for weeks now. I figure since it is ultimately DOABLE, all I need is a little push. And it will be a good way to start off the challenge.

    1. Just found out it was extended to the 10th, so I gues I am on time!

  29. Hope I'm not too late to join in. Now to actually go cut fabric to make some progress on this UFO. Thanks for the inspiration and having this link up. I really appreciate it. I hope to have lots of finishes this year.

  30. Thank you for the link-up and prize opportunity, and mostly thank you for the incentive to get this done in a timely fashion!

  31. Thank you for the link up, great idea! And thanks for extending the deadline!


Thank you for sharing your comments!