
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Sew Simple Saturday & OMG, an Announcement!

Quick storage tip this morning, to share over at Jan's Sew Simple Saturday!

I have noticed the new product for storing bobbins together with their proper spools, and it does look pretty cool..
Amazon sells them for nearly a buck apiece...

Why not save a buck when pipe cleaners can be used for this task! I stocked up on extra bobbins through eBay, and I can keep threads together with multiple bobbins, all with one pipe cleaner!

I still keep a lot of thread on the rack my DH made for me, and it has nice long nails that allow bobbins to be kept with many of my spools.
Some spools are too big for this though, and since acquiring a second machine, a lot of my spools have two different bobbins. Now I keep many of my quilting threads in drawers near my Juki:)

Share your Nifty tip or tutorial by linking up this weekend over at Sew and Sow Farm - You will be entered for the chance to win several prizes!! Jan has shared a cute tutorial for a knitting needle case!

Quick announcement:

I have not stopped thinking about the loss of ALYoF's since first reading about it several days ago! Seriously, I have been grieving!!

I am working this weekend to launch OMG: One Monthly Goal. It will follow a very similar format!

This morning I created my first-ever button!
You can grab it from my sidebar if you like!
I have also created an OMG page for my top tab-bar, and once I have that all written up I will create the first post, a giveaway for the first month, and inLinks...
I am so excited!!

And one more tip!

I found a great little site for making the button with the html code. Check out The Grab Button Builder if you are interested!


  1. What fun to save a buck and use those pipe cleaners that were probably in your craft stuff you haven't looked at in a while. Especially if you're a Passionate Quilter like me.
    Nice of you to give another option for a Linky of Goals - OMG is a great logo. One goal is so achievable.

  2. I will definitely sign up and post my OMG. I loved the challenge and accountability. Thank you

  3. Wonderful news about OMG! I've been working on my 2015 ALYOF mosaic today and thinking about how setting the goals kept me finishing things. Looking forward to joining your version of this!

  4. What a great idea on the bobbins and thread together. I never know what I have. I've been wanting to label but didn't know how. Great idea. Love the button!!

  5. I'm happy to hear I'm not the only one having a hard time thinking about life without ALOYF. I'm on board =) Also, I use golf tees to pair my threads with matching bobbins. Not as cheap as pipe cleaners, but it works for me.

  6. Wow - Good for you Heidi!
    When will the Linky be each month? I never did ALYoF so am not familiar with how it worked.
    Nifty tip indeed on the use of the Pipe Cleaners!
    Thanks too - I know someone who will love the Grab My Button Builder.

  7. An excellent idea on keeping your bobbins and thread together.

  8. What a great idea - both the way to store bobbins and the OMG.

  9. Love the pipe cleaner idea. I happen to have a few of those laying around. And OMG I love the OMG idea! I haven't ever linked to ALYoF but I might could manage OMG! Thank you for linking up! xo jan

  10. This is a super idea! I need to find some pipe cleaners now..... LOL


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