
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

One Monthly Goal: January Goal

Thought I ought to set a goal and join the party, haha!

I am having tons of fun visiting sites who have linked up with One Monthly Goal's Inaugural Party! Some sites are new to me, some I regularly follow, and some I am reacquainting with!
Thank you ALL so much for participating!

As well as striving for finishes, the social aspect was one thing I loved about ALYoF, both aspects swayed me to launch OMG.

I must admit though, I rarely commented to posts that were linked with the ALYoF Flickr Group! I have a Flickr account that I post to once or twice a month, and I've enjoyed joining groups there in the past. I am not sure why it never occurred to me to join the group and share the love!

Viewing the groups' pictures all in one place heightens the sense of accomplishment, so I will be posting there regularly! The more we support one another the merrier!

If you have a Flickr account, I encourage you to join the OMG: One Monthly Goal Flickr Group and share there too!

Back to that striving-for-finishes bit:

This month I have a small UFO I would like to finish.

I found the tutorial for this block at Linda's Quiltmania.

Actually there are four blocks. I need to dig them up, this pic is from a couple years ago. I think I know where they are.
Primarily Circles

I aim to sash, border, sandwich, quilt, and bind these cuties to complete this small baby quilt.

Tackling UFO's one at a time - Let's do this thing!

New Linkup HERE!
Sharing these fun block with Jen today as well:
Quilter in the Closet
Check out Jen's new 100 Day Challenge! It is easier than it looks! Choose three goals and linkup on Wednesday, or simply state them in the comments!
Today is Linky Tuesday over at Connie's Place:


  1. I like these blocks. They'll make a very cute baby quilt. Good luck with your monthly goal!

  2. Thanks for taking up the torch and continuing on with the monthly encouragement to work towards our quilty goals.

    Good luck with the baby quilt.

  3. Good luck finding your UFO and finishing it this month.

  4. Love this block design and your blocks. Need to put this on my list as I have a few baby quilts to make.

  5. Those blocks will make an adorable baby quilt!! I can't wait to see it finished!

  6. I like it, I am adding your button to my Linky Page so I won't forget about it, since I check my linky page every day. Good luck with the new 'party'!

  7. That will be such a cute baby quilt! Thanks so much for starting OMG. I am looking forward to seeing what everyone is working on this year!

  8. Great pattern for a baby quilt, especially the bold colors. Excited someone started another link up party for goals.

  9. I've never seen that block before. So cute! And I agree that it would be great for a baby quilt.

  10. Love your blocks. Can't wait to see it completed. Thanks for hosting the OMG, hoping it will be the motivation needed.

  11. This is a great goal. I really like these blocks.

  12. Fun blocks Heidi! Hope you can find where you put them before the end of the month! LOL

  13. Fun blocks! They will make a very cute baby quilt.

  14. This is pretty! I would love to do something like this!

  15. Really like your little primary colorful style blocks for a baby quilt. Looking forward to see how you're going to finish the back & binding.

  16. Really like your little primary colorful style blocks for a baby quilt. Looking forward to see how you're going to finish the back & binding.

  17. very cute blocks! Thanks for linking up.

  18. Great idea to finish WIPs one at a time. Great baby quilt. Congrats on making progress by maintaining focus!


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