
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Fresh Sewing Day - Pulling some goals together!

Although I did get a some of the quilting done on my Christmas quilt, KinderBaby, the flimsy was a bit bigger than I remembered (50"sq), and the quilting is slower going than I anticipated. So this...

Is now
I have been participating in the Add-a-Border robin on Flickr for a couple years now, but KinderBaby will be the first 'keeper', a finish resulting from the group. I will have a finish soon if all goes well!

Quilting progress was also held up by Donna's Stars, which has hogged a lot of time under Mr. Juki. I was determined to finish the stars before folding her back up. This does need to be finished SOON though and I plan to tackle the negative space in April, before Donna, my Snowbird' MIL, flies through town!
My current distraction however, is this week's Project Challenge over at Persimmon Dreams. As soon as I read her challenge, I thought of this fabric in my stash:
One of my all-time favorite fabrics, this is actually a cotton (imported broadcloth) men's nightshirt from Nordstrom's that I have hoarded for at least 15 years!

So, although 2015 is my 'No NewFO' diet, I am breaking away for this challenge, and I want to finish a small something with 'Passion' in mind for March Le Challenge as well. I have only 11 days to accomplish that. Oiy...

Following that, I hope to cut & sew the setting I sketched up for my Sew Simplicity blocks.

No big finishes in February, but it was a great month anyway. I celebrated my 49th Birthday! I intended to do a customized giveaway with 49 pieces of favorite fabrics from my stash - I really dropped the ball and only collected a dozen or so pieces before getting sidetracked. I will just keep adding to the stack and it will happen when it happens! Seems I am huffing and puffing a bit as I climb this peak of life. Yes, I am still on the uphill ;-)

Today at Val's Archives, the theme is 'Original Designs'. I linked up the finish post of Ty's ZQuilt. Recently, I added a photo to that post of a quilt made by a blog reader who was inspired by Ty's Quilt. Romana, from Prague(!) shared her version, made with our pattern. Another one of those very cool things that happen as a result of the online quilting community!

Hope yours is a Fresh Sewing Day, today and every day!


  1. Coo, you have quite a few things going on! I love the zesty looking stars. :)

  2. Your quilting looks great! Good luck with achieving your goals. I find it very easy to get distracted too!


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