
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Favorite Fabric - Challenge 5 - Project Quilting!

I recently began following Persimon Dreams and have enjoyed watching Kim's Challenges this past few weeks. This week I decided to participate, and, in the nick of time, I have a finish to enter!

"Swimming Through Life"

The theme fabric I selected is definitely a favorite fabric of mine! It is actually a Men's nightshirt from Nordstrom that I have been hoarding for years now.
Since I favor scrappy quilts, I threw in many more favorites. Several fabrics are from Return to Atlantis by Jason Yenter, & I love the new line with 'geese' fabric from the Reclaimed West Collection by Judy Niemeyer. The teals are oldies from my stash; Blooming Glory is an awesome print & also a Benartex print that I believe is by Paula Nadlestern.
I chose the pattern when I saw the Chubby Churn Dash Mini Quilt Kim Lapacek made this week, and I fell in love with her version.  If ya'll missed it, you can check it out here! Chubby Churn Dash is a free pattern from Aurifil's Designer of the Month (February): Joanna Figueroa from Fig Tree Quilts.

As a bonus, I get to post it at the Aurifil Flickr Board:-)

With a few moments to spare before the linkup closes, I will share this photo I snapped this morning while on the photo shoot. I am still learning the Southwest flora since moving to Nevada, but I think this is Texas Mountain Laurel. I have noticed the odd pea-pods it has in the fall, and this is the first time I have noticed it's blooms. Spring is here!


  1. Oooo. I can see why this is (was?) Your favourite fabric! Nice work with it!

  2. Wonderful fabrics! We just returned from a trip to California, and your colors immediately made me think of the ocean.

  3. Nice quilt and Yes I'm jealous of the new blooms you are seeing. We are a long way yet from anything like that happening here.


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