
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Le Challenge - Passion!

I joined a local group this month, called ART QUILTS, Etc...
It seems a lovely and diverse group - I joined to feed my passion for ART - to kick-start and inspire myself. The nametag is my way of commitment to joining, and creating art.

Because even though I am immersed in patchwork quilts, I still want to be a Fiber Artist when I grow up..

I have been wearing this proudly around town, in anticipation of the next meeting.
Now that's passion ;)
Linking up with all the other peeps proudly sharing their Passionate Projects at Le Challenge!

The new Challenge theme will be announced tomorrow!


  1. How fun to join a group and be inspired! The nametag bag is such a great shape and I love those little beads you added :) Thanks for linking to Le Challenge!

  2. Good for you. I know you have been mulling over what fabric play fits your style. Looks like you are I. A wonderful fiber trail. That name tag is awesome!

  3. A name tag AND a purse? That's a fab idea!!!

  4. I think it is pretty awesome myself! I wish I had an art minded group to hang out with glad you found one!

  5. Would love to join a group that was so inspiring - maybe when the babies have a better night time routine! Thanks for sharing your project on le challenge.

  6. I love your nametag! Do you have any tips on how to make it? It looks like a small pouch too? I love the colors, and I hope you have a lot of fun with your group! cdahlgren at live dot com


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