
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Glass is Half Full: Quilty365 Report

Monday marked my 183rd Day of Quilty365, the half-way-finished-point of my daily circle-making experience that is consuming a large chunk of  serving as a journal of 2016. It is all down-hill from here, right?
This is the first time I have used the Quilt As You Go method to make a large quilt, and I love that it allows me to work on different stages at the same time. On the sofa, or on the go, I have the hand-quilting to do, while dots continue to multiply on my design wall. I am just a week or so behind with new dots, but have continued to prepare outer rings so catching up will be easy.
How nice to be organized enough to join the linkup this month and share progress with Audrey, our project Ringleader over at Quilty Folk ! I wonder now, that she did not ask us to sign a waiver of sanity before attempting Quilty365. Anyhoo, I will be heading over to check everyone's progress, and temperament..
My quilt is now large enough to sleep with a cot...
Or, take to the amphitheater!
I managed to piece the two Quarter-panels (6 QAYG panels) together over the holiday weekend.
We're at 41" x 82"!
There are 162 circles joined, so not quite halfway with this plan. To use all 366 squares, I will need to add one or two rows as a border with the circles I make in October. 
Aaah, looks like I am having a quilty moment ;)

Sew Fresh Quilts


  1. Or, take to the amphitheater!

    LOL that is a good one! :)

  2. I admire your fortitude to do a circle a day. I just couldn't commit to it this year. But how fun it turned out to be! I think it was smart to do the QAYG method here.

  3. It is looking great! I love how your circles turned. I need to try your technique.

  4. Very nice! You've got some great dots going on! Is that part of a banjo I see there? I like the hand stitching in the circles!

  5. Very, very fun! There are some really fun circles there. Congrats on keeping up, that's no small feat.

  6. I'm proud of you for sticking with your circles plan. What an undertaking. It will be an awesome memory quilt when done.

  7. It is always lovely to see your progress with these blocks. Doing the QAYG method ensures it is not too daunting a task at the end of the year.

  8. It is fantastic Heidi! I just love how you have constructed this project!

  9. Wonderful, absolutely wonderful. XXX

  10. It's beautiful !!!! Lovely colors!

  11. Downhill from here? I was so thinking the same thing, I think I am around the same starting mark as you :) I love how you have quilted and joined the blocks, the semi-quilt looks marvelous! Well done you :)

  12. Oh, my goodness, it's just gorgeous! You are an inspiration! XO

  13. It looks wonderful, and so do you. I love how your QAYG has worked on this project.

  14. Okay...I'm so I decided to jump into the 365 and create a summer circle quilt and after seeing yours I"m glad I am!! To see your 162 and what size quilt it turned out totally motivates me as this is a perfect summer daily stitch project now that I have more time. I also bookmarked this post as I like how you quilted it...and though I won't do the quilt as you go...I like the straight, double lines.

  15. Your quilt looks fabulous so far. The finished quilt is going to be such a memory booster!

  16. It looks amazing! The quilt as you go method really gets results!

    Surely not downhill? More a --race to the finish.


    gone to the beach

  17. Your quilt is looking fantastic so far! What a great idea to do it QAYG style. Love the big stitch quilting around the circles.

  18. QAYG is such a good idea for this project and your quilt is looking great! I love that you have such a variety of backgrounds and circle fabrics but somehow they all look as if they were meant to be together - that's not an easy thing to achieve. :-)

  19. That looks AWESOME! I need to try a QAYG project.

  20. Your (partial!) quilt looks great! I"ve used qayg one time too and really enjoyed having a finshed quilt by the time I'd got to the end!

  21. Your journal quilt is gorgeous! I used QAYG on a star quilt where it was each block. I like the idea that you are doing sections instead.

  22. This is such a beautiful well crafted project. It's wonderful to look at.

  23. Heidi, this is just fabulous! I really love how it's coming out. :D

  24. It's coming along so wonderfully Heidi! It may be crazy but it's that fabulous kind of crazy that you just have to love! I always love seeing hat you choose for your circles!

  25. Wow, this is really coming together. I've never tried QAYG but it's definitely on my bucket list. And I just love those circles!

  26. This is looking gorgeous! It must be so satisfying to do it QAYG. I love how you showcased it at the amphitheater with all those circular motifs in the background.

  27. This is so beautiful! The hand quilting adds so much to it.


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