
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

One Monthly Goal June Linkup: Goalsetting

I hope everyone took some time to check out some of the amazing finishes in May! (In my case, it was nice to live vicariously, lol)
It seems I am not the only one who missed my goal. As tempted as I am to select a new goal, I am going to stick with Summer Gathering, otherwise I fear it will never be completed!

So, this afternoon, once I have worked my way toward my sewing room, I aim to put some real stitches in the sandwich. Today.
I will not be distracted by anything in my sewing room.

This is my plan:
I will set all small projects aside.
Cutting I-Spy squares will have to wait (Val's swap starts today!).
This one is hard: I will NOT begin pulling blue-aqua-lime scraps for RSC16!
Other than writing a progress report, I will NOT spend any time today making Daily Dots.

Sometimes it is hard to select one goal to prioritize, hopefully getting this started early in the month will motivate me to stay focused! Have you selected a priority? Any tips for staying on-track? I think I would like to try a retreat sometime. I'm amazed what can get done with a weekend power-sewing with friends.

Cheers Friends, to a fun and productive June!
Good Luck with all your goals this month, especially the quilty ones!

Thank you for linking up with One Monthly Goal! (party details HERE)

 Please visit our May Sponsors for One Monthly Goal!

Bagmaker Supply $20 Store Credit

Fat Quarter Shop $25 Gift Certificate 

My personal contribution to the Prize-pool for June is a custom-cut charm pack of 50 x 5" squares. There are 25 prints included, from Daisy Chain and Midwest Modern:

BONUS: I made a sweet drawstring bag to ship them in!!


  1. That's the way to do it! Good luck!

  2. I like having a goal to work towards but equally it's my hobby and I do it for pleasure so I often decide what I'm going to do on a whim but still try to chip away at the WIPs. Your OMG really helps.

  3. I'm a first timer this month. I really need to get something done this year xxx

  4. Good luck for this month Heidi! I'm having another try second time round too!

  5. I love your plan! Focus, focus!

  6. Focus is hard. But I've found over the years, if I make a commitment on the blog, I'm much more likely to follow through. I love OMG because it forces to to pick one thing and make it the focus. Good luck with your goal this month.

  7. Great prizes, thank you! Making weekly goals and checking them every day has helped me to make sure I finish things. I schedule them out over the week, and I make myself accountable the following Monday before posting goals for the new week. Yes, sometimes I don't feel like working on that thing, but I almost always do. Sometimes I flip-flop two goals, but not often. And sometimes, I just don't make it. =)

  8. Hi Heid! Okay...since I"m officially out of school today, I will link my June goal tomorrow!! Thanks for the I-Spy shout out....and thanks for joining. We're having such quilty fun together lately aren't we! SMILES!! V::)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Goal setting is a real motivator to me. But I understand the distractions. There's a reason hubby calls me Dory, as in Dory from finding Nemo. Or, as I say, I'm a raccoon -- ooh shiney new fabric, oh look a fabulous fat quarter what can I make from it? You get the picture.

  11. I've been noticing with some of the blogs I follow that people are getting stuff done through this linky party! Great idea.

  12. hope your plan works. i love the feeling when a plan comes together well.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  13. Love your plan. I have an on-going list of what needs to be accomplished. It's nice to see things marked off.....where i started and hoiw far I've come.

  14. Stick to your guns ..But always try to have fun...sewing isn't fun if it becomes a

  15. OMG - what a great plan of action. I'm starting now and have the perfect UFO to complete.

  16. It helps to have goals! Even I am good in not making it through! Have much fun in sewing and finishing!

  17. Good plan, Heidi. I think it's hard where there are several different projects/quilts pulling us to them. I hope you have great success with your goal this month! Thanks for hosting this link-up. It helps me focus, choose a goal, and work just a little harder to finish it in the time-frame I chose.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  18. P.S. Your charm fabrics are beautiful and your bag is adorable!

  19. I think it is good to set some goals for yourself. I especially like the do not get distracted by anything else in the sewing room. That happens to me all the time!

  20. Good luck with June. It's hard not to be distracted.

  21. Wow - you really did give yourself a challenge! I think it's much harder to keep myself from doing something I want to do than it is to make myself do something I don't want to do :*)

  22. Ha, I love how you listed what you weren't going to do. (Did it help?) I am more distracted by other things in my life (garden and beautiful weather for bike rides right now) than by other quilt projects. Mostly I work on must a few things at a time. Maybe that's because much of what I work on has a built-in timeline--wedding, birth, charity collection date. I try to give myself lots of time so I'm not stressed, though, because I want to keep my quilting time fun. That means I pass on a lot of QALs, which is kind of too bad, but it's how I roll.

  23. Cute bag! Having goals always, always helps me!

  24. Do not look left. Do not look right. Head straight for the quilt and start working. It's so very hard, isn't it? But you can do it.

  25. Happy JUNE! Know you can stay strong & finish what you have planned this month! I am planning to finish several UFO's here...need to focus! giggle... Oh! look...fabric!!! (Exactly...toooo easily distracted! lol)

  26. Visiting from BuzzinBumble. I've been concentrating on UFOs this year and have quite a few finishes which makes me happy. Sometimes a month isn't enough time for me; that's ok because a finish is the most important.

  27. Sometimes you have to force yourself to focus on one project to (finally) get it done, good luck with finishing this one! I had to jump to the previous link up to see what Summer Gatherings looks like (I am the curious type!) and it looks stunning. So worth it finish it up soon!!

  28. I admire anyone who sets goals and actually sticks to them.


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