
Friday, September 11, 2015

TGIFF - Winter in Bloom!

These lovely pictures were emailed to me by Linda Lum DeBono, courtesy of Blank Quilting.
All of the 30 participants in the Jaftex 85th Anniversary bloghop mailed our quilts to New York for photography, to be included in the 'look-book' that will be published at the end of the month!
Winter in Bloom went for a walk in Bryant Park!
I first 'revealed' this quilt on September 9th, my day for the bloghop. 
You can read more about it HERE.
Bonus! I listed here as a Q3 Goal (goal #14) for the 2015 Finish Along hosted at On The Windy Side!

Meanwhile, I am still freezing working my arse off in Alaska! 
I am undergoing extreme withdrawals from six weeks of NO SEWING! 

This is the view near my 'camp'.
Four mountains are visible facing East from Glennallen (from north to south): Mt. Sanford (16,237 feet), Mt. Drum (12,010 feet), Mt. Wrangell (14,163 feet) and Mt. Blackburn (16,390 feet.)
Mt. Blackburn (not really visible in this picture - on the far right) is the tallest of these four peaks, but because it is the most distant from the road it looks smaller. Mt. Drum, which dominates the view in Glennallen, is actually the shortest. Mt. Wrangell is a steaming volcano..

What a surprise I had when a moose and her calf strolled by my trailer at sunrise a few days ago! 
I was standing just 10ft away and happened to be holding my phone. I switched it to camera mode as I hurriedly sneaked around the truck to get a shot. It seemed as if they were strolling; unfortunately I captured their butts heading into the tundra 'forest'! Their stroll is actually pretty darn fast! I would share the picture, but it is very dark. The sun had not actually risen yet. Still, I am excited to have finally seen my first moose! As well, a cute & playful little ermine visits daily, and I have spotted several ptarmigans, ravens, and hawks. 

Internet is quite sporadic here, and my time online very limited.
Please do not think me rude if I am unable to reply to comments throughout the month of September!
Thank you for visiting, I look forward to reading what others are sharing today for Friday Finishes - 
TGIFF is hosted today by at What a Hoot!

Today is Day Eleven of the Jaftex 85th Anniversary Bloghop!
Visit Penny at Sew Simple Designs to see what she made with Peppered Cottons!


  1. Nice that you saw your 1st Moose. How are the Handwork Projects coming along? You'll have to plan a Month of Sewing every day in October after you recuperate from your labors in AK.

  2. oooo - Heidi! This is fantastic! I love the color scheme and the binding fabric. That's a particularly nice text for the background, too. And it's going to be in a book! Super cool! :D (Also, I'm jealous about the moose. No doubt their stroll is fast, with those super-tall legs of theirs. . .)

  3. Lovely to see pictures of your quilt. It looks lovely in the photo shoot.
    What an amazing location to spend time! I am sure it is cold but what a view to compensate. And it sounds like the wildlife is very friendly.

  4. Fun to see such a different environment! I live in hot Texas, a real contrast! Thanks for this opportunity!

  5. A great photo shoot for Winter in Bloom! You surely did them proud Heidi! I love the silvery text background fabric you chose too.
    The mountains and scenery are beautiful. Lots of wide open space up there eh? You are working hard, shivering a bit I'm sure, and really having quite the adventure!

  6. Gorgeous quilt and a gorgeous view. Thanks for sharing your quilt. Visiting as a member of the official 2015 Finish-Along cheerleading squad

  7. What a lovely quilt, and a very interesting window into life in Alaska. I live in New Zealand - the other end of the earth, so it's interesting to hear about the wild life in a different country.


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