
Monday, September 21, 2015

Selvage Along Finale!

I am linking up today with the Selvage Along Finale Party,
co-hosted by Jess of Quilty Habit, and Renee of Quilts of a Feather!

Unfortunately, I did not get to re-cover my piano bench as I had intended!
I did finish up a second pair of slippers though, 
I posted a mini-tute in July.
I made these in the same manner, however I added some old leather to the soles to beef them up a bit for my husband.
If you are looking for selvedge inspiration, this is the party to check out!
NOTE: Friday is Day Twenty-Five of the Jaftex 85th Anniversary Bloghop & Giveaway!
September 25 - Mary Ellen @ Little Quilts  
September 25 - Mary Jane @ Holly Hill Designs 
Link HERE if you missed my day with the hop - the giveaway is open through September!

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