
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Orphan Adoption Linkup and Giveaway!

Hearts and Flowers UFO, up for adoption!

Cynthia Brunz is hosting a brilliant linkup today at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework. I was not prepared the first time around, but when I read she would be hosting an Orphan Adoption link up again this month, I knew I could find something loitering in my stash!

I forgot to measure this! Six of the 12" blocks are shown here, set in an original manner by myself:)  The quilt is well on it's way to becoming a twin or throw size quilt!

This unfinished flimsy came about after participating in a local Block of the Month several years ago. I have more quilt tops than I will be able to quilt on my domestic, so this giveaway really relieves me of one more To-Do!
There are more blocks!

This block was 12", however I expanded it with the outermost, red heart! My estimate is 14x18. This can be used within the quilt, (layout ideas pictured below), or a nice coordinating pillow!

This is a sweet quilt for a young girl and I would love to see it donated, however if you know a girl in need of a hug, and you feel this would suit her, (especially if you have a longarm, *grin*), enter the giveaway by leaving a comment. You can share your intentions with the quilt, if you have someone in mind, or a charity, but the recipient will be selected at random. The flimsy and all the blocks, as well as some extra fabric, will fit in a Priority Mail Legal sized Envelope and I will pay the shipping within the USA only.

NOTE: Shipping will be delayed until October 6th when I return home!!

The fabrics are nice, quilting weight cotton from Hancock's. The theme fabrics are designed by M'Liss, and the royal blue I added - these busy prints were begging for a tonal!

Finally, I would like to share the layout options I was considering before I set this aside, please pardon the flashbulb/floor/shots!
First Option:

Second Option:
Third Option:
Fourth Option:
Fifth Option:

At the time I stopped assembly, I had decided to postpone the layout decision until I knew who the recipient would be. I thought the large, heart block would make a great pillow and that I may do some letter blocks, or applique to personalize it with a name, LOVE, or some inspirational message. The extra blocks I thought I would piece in the backing. 

Well, that is where I was going - you may take it any direction your creativity leads! I will announce a winner next week, hopefully I will have access to a computer on Wednesday, Sept. 23rd!

Friday is Day Eighteen of the Jaftex 85th Anniversary Blog Hop and Giveaways!
Visit Leona @ Leona's Quilting Adventure!

Enter my FQ Bundle giveaway HERE!


  1. Thanks for linking up. This is a great project to get finished up so it will be loved. Definitely lots of layout options!

    1. And I hope it goes without saying don't include me in the giveaway....I'm trying to get rid of projects ;)

  2. I do have a longarm! And I would use it for a donation quilt or perhaps a few if I did them up for neonatal :-) The hearts and the bright colors would work great for a baby girl.

  3. I would use it for charity, such as Project Linus. I have a long arm, so this would be good for me to practice FMQ on.

  4. I've made several quilts for Project Linus & Quilts for Kids---this would be perfect for this! And I do have a long arm, so no problem on getting it done---hey, you've got most of it done already! Thanks for the chance to "play" with your project.

    1. I got a notice that my email didn't come through, so sending it via your blog. I can be reached at this address: Good luck to all that would like to play with your project!

  5. This would be so fun to finish up! I know a sweet girl who is really in need of a big hug and lots of love - this would be great for her! thanks!

  6. I would love to win this and finish it. I would like to then donate it to the Battered Womens Shelter in Gatlinburg. They do a lot of good work for the women and children that end up there.

  7. Heidi, you are so well organized to have planned this post and done the photographs before you left. Someone will surely love to win this and I see that you have some wonderful good hearted quilters lined up! I'm not throwing my name in the hat, but am just stopping by from the Quilty Orphan Adoption Event to cheer you on.

  8. Wow, these colors are beautiful. I would use the blocks to help my daughters and her friends practice sewing -- I'd let them design pillows or doll quilts with the blocks.

  9. Hi...what a wonderful giveaway. I think I would finish it as a wall hanging and a pillow. We have a teenage girl who just joined our United Methodist Charge Choir...she's our only youth among the rest of us "oldies"...she has taken a keen interest and has a lovely voice. She also is wrestling with seizures of some sort...I think finishing this would be a true gift of love for her. I hand-quilt and quilt on a domestic machine...but also have a longarm too.

  10. You have a very good start on this project and I would like to be considered for it. I've been looking for a quick project for a silent auction item for a fundraiser for a friend's son who just got his second liver transplant. While this may be a little girlish, people would be bidding on it and it would bring in some good money for him all in the name of love. Karen

  11. I am part of the Mexicali Quilter's Guild out of Mexico, NY. We are always doing charity quilts! This would be a great donation! tghjlw @ gmail . com


Thank you for sharing your comments!