
Sunday, October 27, 2013

I am all about Scorin' Fabric This Week! - Sunday Stash

Sew Street Market was so much fun! I sold a lot of fabric, and picked up quite a bit as well! The event prompted me to open a new Etsy Shop for fabric-only. I have listed 60 new items there, with another 100 to go...  But first, I must share my lucky-winner fabric!

I recently donated a Quilt to our local Project Linus and linked it up with the 100 Quilts for Kids Charity Drive run by Katie at Swim, Bike, Quilt. Low and behold, I won a giveaway!
Pink Chalk Fabrics was one of many who generously donated to the cause - to entice quilter's like myself (who thrive on the opportunity to obtain score fabric!). I had never shopped at Pink Chalk, and I spent way too much time making my selections(!)
I tend to read an entire menu before making the 'right' selection, and they do have an amazing menu!
In the end, true to my frugal-self, I shopped in their SALE section, and look how far I was able to make the $20 stretch:
The package arrived promptly, and I was thrilled to see Pink Chalk is in the Pacific Northwest, my old stompin' grounds:-)

Although I have seen Road 15 all over the place, I never noticed the Las Vegas Blvd part, so I picked up the charm pack with no intent in mind. And I always love my geometrics, so I picked up a few from the Parson Gray Tour line.

The one I was most excited about is that green, my favorite color. I find I am actually picky about greens, and I don't have much in my stash. This stood out to me, a Kokka import called Folk Modern Medallion, by Ellen Luckett Baker - it is a cotton/linen blend. I have never purchased linen for quilting, and since this print was love at first sight, I ordered 1/2 yd to complete my order. But then it arrived in the post, and I touched it, of course, and I was surprised to find that it is the weight of home-dec fabric. OH NO! Had I overlooked this detail when purchasing? Back at the website, I see no mention of its' weight on the listing....

Hmm, This can't be what I am seeing quilter's use??

Regardless, I do love it. I have no idea what I'll do with it, especially since it is only 18", but I will find it's purpose:-) Perhaps a bag with some blue denim?

Also added to my stash this week is an Ebay score! I do not usually buy fabric on Ebay, but this irresistible lot of 8yds totaled $25, incl shipping(!).
Lovin the Aqua's!  That Buttercream has been added to fabric held for a quilt for Mom!
My LQS hosts an annual event called Sew Street Market that I participated in a couple weeks ago.
I could not resist shopping around toward the end of day, and did I ever score! (prepare yourself for serious fabric envy!!)

Some of these will be listed in my new Etsy shop, RedLetterFabrics, and one may become part of an upcoming giveaway (which one would you choose?). For now, I just enjoy admiring them and contemplating how they may work with my own stash. I think the Cosmo layer cake will stay in my own stash though! YUM!

I thought I was done buying fabric, but after packing up at the end of the day, I discovered Quiltique had an irresistible sidewalk sale of their own, and picked up these FQ's for $1 each:
I am fortunate to have a great LQS, eh? They have an awesome half-price sale rack!!

Linking up with Michelle at Squeak Crafts for my first Sunday Stash!
Anything new going on in your stash?


  1. Fabric Envy, my goodness yes!

  2. Fun stashing, I have some of the Circa that is waiting onme to get busy, Stopping by from Sunday Stash linky.

  3. I find it a bit odd that people quilt with the cotton/linen blend from Kokka too. I wonder if it softens up in the wash? (I've bought some in the past by mistake, not liked the feel of it, and never used it. Now I try to pay particular attention.)

  4. I love the road 15 fabric. It has a unique color palette that can work well for girls and boys. That does not happen often. You have some great selections posted - thank you for linking up this week.

  5. I think i'd pick any of those 3 floral packs from the sew street event. wow,did you ever score some fabric!


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