
Monday, October 21, 2013

EEKS - It's a Rat Race!

My favorite block so far for the Add-a-Border Swap I participate with!
I have a WIP with a bunch of mice in gray & orange colorway, someday I will dig it back out, but for now this satisfied my urge to document a 'rat race'. So cute, this block is from a go-to book by Janet Kime, The Border Book. Fun Fun!

A bit of ROYAL MAIL arrived this week as well! Last Spring, Amy from Crafty Shenanigan's , made a call-out for house and tree blocks for a quilt she envisioned and named Wonkyville
I made a few trees and followed along to watch her village grow...
Photo stolen from Amy's site! Houses she collected from all over the world!  Isn't this the coolest idea?
And, lucky me, I am one of the recipients of one of the giveaways she offered as thank-you's!
A Wonkyville winner I am!
What a pretty package!
I am not one to wear a finger cushion, but when I opened the package, I new I had the perfect need for this! It is secured to my design wall, within reach of my ironing board, and handy when the A/C (soon to be the heater!) is blowing on my design boards. LOVE it!

Linking up this week with Lyn from What a Hoot, for BOM's Away,
And with Marelize of Stitch by Stitch, for Anything Goes Mondays!


  1. The mice are really cute! love the little yo-yo's!

  2. Eee - your mice are awesome! And thank you for helping me with Wonkyville :) Glad you can use the pincushion!

  3. Oh the block with the border mice is just too cute! What a great idea for the finger pincushion - pinning to the design board. I can see why you enjoyed watching Wonkville being developed!

  4. Hi, Heidi! Thanks for linking up at BOMs Away. We have company, so I'm very slow leaving notes for everyone. Those mice are so cute!!!

  5. I think I like this one the best too! You are just so clever!


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