
Monday, August 1, 2016

Link to One Monthly Goal: OMG It's August!

With a new month comes a new goal!
I have selected something fun, a new project even though I have not yet met my July goal (oops!).
Once I received my squares from the ISpy Swap hosted by Val's Quilting Studio, I began cutting out even novelties more from my stash.
Next thing you know, these four-patches began popping up!
My goal this month is to finish a top with these. That involves a decision on layout. I want it fairly big, so it's likely there will be more fussy-cutting of my stash before getting them all together!

I did manage to sandwich my (July goal)mini yesterday; perhaps I can catch up and finish both my goals this month.
What will you select for August?

Thank you ALL for participating!

BIG THANK YOU to our fabulous sponsors this month!!

 Fat Quarter Shop: $25 Gift Certificate (Flash Sale Link HERE!)
Bagmaker Supply: $20 Store Credit 
Are you participating in the August Hardware Challenge on Facebook?
From the FB page: "Get some gorgeous purse hardware for free, even if you're not the winner. Make a bag from this striking piece of hardware. Take a picture of it and post it here. The entries with the most votes in each of two categories will win $50.00 of beautiful hardware from our Etsy shop. How do I get free hardware without enough votes? If you purchase the challenge item from 7/18/16 - 8/18/16 and follow a few easy rules (including actually entering the contest!) we'll refund the purchase price!"

Also in the prize-pool this month, a Fat Eighth bundle of Sandi Henderson; cut from my stash! I think all of these are from the Ginger Blossom line:


  1. The month sped by for me too and I didn not meet my goal either :-( Good luck with your pick for this month..I'll try again with last month's goal!

  2. Very fun squares. It's going to be a very fun I-Spy quilt.

  3. It's August already??? Where did July go? That sailor is too cute.

  4. You have some fun fabrics to work with there.

  5. A lovely collection of fun fabrics!!

  6. I actually linked up 2 because one is an I have to finish and the other is my real goal

  7. I can totally understand skipping ahead to a new project--hard to resist those fun fabrics!

  8. Those are lovely fabrics. Although you didn't reached your July Goal, you sure did do very interesting sewing. Good luck with your August goals. I am finally linking in. Hope I am not too late. ;^)

  9. I love I spy Quilts. Good choice to use the fun fabrics. All linked up. for August!

  10. OH HEIDI, so funny--my OMG goal for August is a new project too. I didn't know you were doing one also until after I had my write-up made, then read your post! It gave me a chuckle. Actually, I'm having envy issues with your I-Spy fabrics, so adorable! Best of luck to you for at least one finish.

  11. Heidi, that little sailor boy is adorable. I'm impressed that you have so many fabrics with little images on them. It will be a fun I Spy quilt.

  12. I participated in Val's swap too so I'm anxious to see your top at the end of the month!

  13. I love the fabrics and look forward to how you finally piece them together.

  14. First of all, I LOVE, LOVE that you just jumped ahead to a new project! Super leader!! THANK YOU for that!! LOL!!! And your eye-spys!!!! What fun!!! My July was filled with family and seriously just so happy I made it to an August goal....and this one i want to get DONE!!!! (I'm ready to start something new....but this one is cute and has been around toooooo long!!) SMILES!!!


Thank you for sharing your comments!