
Thursday, August 25, 2016

August Finishes: OMG Linkup

Ready-or-not, here we are with only one week left of August!

I reached my goal by finishing the I-Spy flimsy, and getting photographs to post! I feel like this is a double-win.
Quick stop at the park ...
No slides like this when I was a kid!
A little masking tape to hold her up, and..
The charm's are from Val's I-Spy Swap, held this summer. Plus, I cut oodles of my own 4" squares to increase the finish size to 52" x 63". Hopefully I will quilt this in time for Christmas to gift to my best friend, whose six children I have watched grow-up. Terri is blessed with two grandbabies so far, and they spend a lot of time with her. This quilt is meant to live at her house, for all her future babes to enjoy. I sneaked in a few that their adults will enjoy too. Everyone in Washington State is a Seahawk fan..
And we all know what else they do up there in Washington..
I debated whether to include that square! Now I can hardly wait to hear back after they discover it!

So, lots of piecing this month, and very little quilting. I do love piecing!
The only guilty distraction I have allowed was to try out the free Seahorse Block at The Objects of Design.
I have only recently started following Sally and was thrilled when she shared this cute tutorial. Such a generous treat, I had to give it a whirl! I wish I had selected more contrasting fabrics, but hoping that I can define it a bit more with the quilting. Unfortunately, this is not the first time I have thought low contrast would work, then tried to rescue and define it with the quilting. Does this happen to you too? Possibly a bit extra batting under the seahorse will help..

As if that was not enough temptation, Sally shared another irresistible block this week! (i should mention these patterns are NOT paper-pieced!)
It is the cutest Poodle Block ever, and I hope she does not mind that I ripped a photo from her site, to share here..
I really want to make one, then transform it into a poodle bag during BagIt 2017, starting soon at Elm Street Quilts!

I have been wondering how everyone has been progressing this month. I tried to recollect if any participants live in areas affected by the Louisiana flooding. Hopefully ya'll are safe and sound.

Alright, just seven days left to reach your One Monthly Goal. Perhaps this will be a productive weekend for all of us!

One lucky participant will also win this Fat 1/8 bundle from my little Esty Shop! 

Please visit ourOMG sponsors this month, as a way of saying...

Thank you!


  1. Awesome! I love how you have a purple eye like the background which makes it look transparency. And yes, I often have problems with getting enough contrast. Most often because I don't tend to buy light fabric. And it now occurs to me that I had better get to work and put together tutorials for left-facing seahorses and poodles.

  2. I also have problems with not enough contrast sometimes. I try to remember that the smaller the pieces, the more contrast you need. Both color contrast and print size/style contrast play a role. I do lots of paper piecing with little pieces and if I forget that rule I'm sometimes disappointed with the result. Well placed quilting can improve the situation though -- I hope it works for you!

  3. I don't usually have too much trouble with contrast as I stick mainly to light backgrounds. The seahorse is very cute and the poodle is adorable. Hope you get some time to play with both blocks next month.

  4. I love your eye spy quilt! You have so many fun fabrics for children. I think the pattern I chose would have been fun as an eye spy but I didn't have enough fabrics. I'll have to keep collecting more. Thanks for hosting the link-up, Heidi. I appreciate it.

  5. I blew it completely this month. Not because I didn't do what I planned - sort of - but because I lost the center part of the quilt I was going to add borders to! I think it's in the bedroom my younger son moved into about 6 weeks ago. I can't get to anything because it's covered with his junk. Hopefully, by October he will move out again and I can search everywhere. Very disappointing!

  6. Great job on finishing AND taking photos! I used to live in the Seattle area and appreciated the Seahawks square. But I have to ask, since I apparently don't know, what else do they do in Washington??

  7. Great I-spy quilt! And congratulations on getting those pics taken - I know that's a challenge sometimes!

  8. Love the I-spy quilt but I have to ask - seeing that I live in Australia - what is it that they do in Washington?????

  9. I really like eye spy quilts - yours is inspiring. Probably one of those things that can be a distraction when I should be completing something else. Glad to have finished one for August though, thanks for the link up that keeps us on track.

  10. What a cute I Spy quilt! Sally's poodle is adorable, thanks for sharing her link, I'm off the check out her blog!

  11. Is that the magic slide where you put the fabric, pattern and thread at the top and the finished quilt comes out the other end? LOL!!!
    Your I-Spy quilt is lovely. It must have taken you a while to collect all those perfect fabrics.
    That poodle is the cutest ever!!!

  12. Love the quilt, I'm a Seattle Sea Hawk Fan!!

  13. Fun, fun, fun! Terri will be over the moon! Great photo shoot. I wouldn't think of that! Loving those blocks! Sally is so talents. XO

  14. Your I Spy top is so fun--I hope to make on some day too! Unfortunately, I seem to fall into the low contrast pit all to often. The fabrics look like they will work until they are cut up and sewn together--things happen--not in a good way--lol!

  15. Thanks so much -- I did finish both my goals of my star mini and my Kate Spain Love Star

  16. What a lot of fun things you've been working on. It took me a while to figure out what else happens in Washington...and I was thinking DC until I really looked at the fabric squares. Yep, really fun! And those two blocks... the poodle is fabulous. The seahorse is great too. Don't you hate it when you aren't happy with some part of a block you've worked on? It still is wonderful.

  17. It's so fun to see what you did with Val's I Spy swap squares. I see a couple of my fabrics in there, LOL. What was the other thing they all do up in Washington? I could not figure it out.

    Love the seahorse and poodle blocks Heidi! Ho generous of Sally! I love the swirly fabric she picked for the poodle's puffs.

    Preeti's comment about the magic slide is great!

    I have troubles with contrast so often that I have started taking photos and then converting them to B&W just to check before I sew too far.

  18. I LOVE your I Spy quilt, Heidi!!!! And I'm impressed you got it done so quickly after Val's swap. I see several of the fabrics I contributed to that swap--it's always fun seeing your fabrics end up in others' quilts! You know I Spys are my absolute favorite, and I think it's great that you added in some squares for the grown ups! :)

  19. I participated in Val's swap too but don't have anything accomplished from it yet! Kudos to I Spy quilt for grandma's house is a great idea. I'm going to make some of Sally's poodles too.


Thank you for sharing your comments!