
Saturday, May 21, 2016

Sew Scrappy Saturday: RSC Blocks and Crafted Applique Winner!

Stolen moments: Five minutes here, ten there, I am finding time to piece with green. I selected the most forest-like strips from my scrap bin and created two more Kite Tail blocks:

Ten blocks are finished now!

I'm also keeping up with the leftovers, they're pieced together in 12.5" lengths.
I intended that these might border the Kite Tails in some way, but now I am leaning toward a quilt all their own.

Next, I pulled from my vintage stash to use this little squirrel as the focus for this month's Courthouse Baby block:

Have you been inspired by the Crafted Applique Bloghop? 
Today, the Book Tour headed up to Canada, for a visit with Cindy, who blogs at Stitchin at Home! You will find the entire tour schedule at BuzznBumble, where Lara also has lots of party favors!

Thank you for all the wonderful comments left here, on my post for the tour! Congratulations to Louise, whose name was drawn at random from those comments, as the winner of the giveaway! Louise blogs at Quilt Odyssey, where she shares her quilty adventures afloat Vector, her home on the water! Pop on over and say Hello to Louise!

I am linking up today with Scrap Happy Saturday at So Scrappy!
I hope yours is a Sew-Happy weekend!


  1. Those Kite Tails blocks are pretty amazing. Looking forward to seeing all of those worked into a final project.

  2. Looking at all of your projects makes me anxious to get to the end of the year to see how they all turn out!

  3. The kite tails have such a modern look to them. Lovely.

  4. LIKE your Kite Tails blocks AND their leftovers. VERY nice indeed!

  5. Love the Kite Tails too. The leftovers would certain make an interesting quilt on their own, but I think bordering the main quilt with them would be fantastic too.

  6. What a lovely bunch of blocks... and leftovers to boot!!

  7. Wow! Those kite tails are delightful.

  8. The Kite Tails blocks look so neat swirled together like that! I love what you are doing with the leftover scraps too Heidi. Leave it to you to find another sweet vintage fabric for your courthouse steps!
    Thanks for hosting such a great stop in the Crafted Applique' Blog Hop! It was so much fun to see your post! I was really tickled that your winner Louise had already ordered the book, so of course sent her a refund. Can you imagine living aboard and boat and making wonderful quilts? What an adventurer!

  9. You have a great collection of blocks starting to grow. I sometimes forget how good simple blocks like courthouse steps can look. Love yours.

  10. Love all your greenery! The kite tail blocks look so cool spread out that way. The little squirrel is so cute in the middle of your block. I love Louise's boat photo. That's something I haven't tried yet. =)

  11. Thank you so much for hosting the book giveaway! I was so tickled to win it. And just as she promised, since I had already purchased the book, Lara refunded my money. I'm really looking forward to trying her non-fraying applique method.

  12. Love the spread of kite tail blocks! That's going to be a fabulous quilt someday.

  13. Your Kite Tail blocks look incredible, Heidi! Love the photo of it. The leftovers would make a great quilt on their own, I think. The squirrel is adorable in your courthouse block.


  14. These are really fun blocks and will make an amazing quilt!

  15. These are really fun blocks and will make an amazing quilt!


Thank you for sharing your comments!