
Friday, April 1, 2016

Quilty 365: Dots, Dots, and more Dots

I am using my leftover centers!
 Fuse, sandwich, quilt, zip-zip. Attach & Woo-Lah! A 28" pillow for DH!

Welcome to Day #124 on my design wall!
Today's block, Lilac-Girl-Gone-Adrift-on-April-Fool's-Day, belongs in what will be the fifth panel.
The top three panels are finished, QAYG panels, machine and hand-quilted. I will take more quilting pictures next month!
The unfinished blocks making up the bottom section will be panel number Four.
Most of the time, I am working in weekly rows.
 Some of the blocks in panel Four are from February.
Most are from March,
I reached for purples, and yellow now and then.
The Desert Buns have returned with the warm, springtime weather.

Cropping my crudely lit picture in PicMonkey, and using the draw feature with my old-fashioned mouse, I created a mock-up of my 1st Quarter-panel.
Rotate, and Save. Repeat twice, and the four pictures can be uploaded in collage setting.
First, the plan as I sketched just after I completed Panel #1, when I began to think about how this was all going to come together...
Switching their placement gives me other options as well!
Option Three:
These are 4.5" blocks when finished, plus 1" connecting strips: 80+ inches as we see here.
Only 324 blocks though. I will add a row to both the top and bottom. That plan will use 360 blocks.
The last six will go on the backside. If I can stop.

I'm looking forward to linking up with Audrey, our Quilty365 host, and checking out other Daily-Dotters!
I hear that layout is all the buzz this week ;)


  1. Very fun to see the mock-ups! This is such an interesting layout.:)

  2. Beautiful and very interesting.

  3. So fun to see where you are heading with your circles!

  4. Wow, really striking and loved the additional cushion too, a great idea!

  5. Great use of the left over circles. The pillow looks great. I am so awed by all the circle quilts I'm seeing these days.

  6. The "left overs" pillow turned out beautifully. That's a lot of circles you'll need for that quilt! Lots of fun fabrics in the panels you've gotten done so far.

  7. Your dots are amazing! I especially like the pillow! You are so clever! XO

  8. Seeing the layouts is fun. I like the more subtle pinwheel of layout #3 and layout #2 has an interesting mosaic type feel to it. What a fun project.

  9. The pillow is super. Do you mean your circles are all the size they are on the pillow?

    1. Thank you June! The circles on the pillow are about 2.5, after cutting them away from the original squares & trimming a bit :)

  10. I love your endless circle project and making a pillow out of the remains? Awesome!

  11. I love seeing them all together like that. It's the first project I've seen do that. The little pillow is too cute, too!

  12. You started a lot longer ago than me. Your circles are great. I'm thinking of waiting to see until I've made all of mine. I like your quilt as you go idea. Food for thought.

  13. It is great to see your collage mock-ups (great idea!). Looks like lots of fun options!

  14. There is so much happening with your dots. The pillow is great, too.

  15. Beautiful and impressive! Looks fantastic and you had a great idea to put the last circles on the backside. x Teje

  16. OH my goodness... I love your circles project!

  17. OH my goodness... I love your circles project!

  18. I love this layout idea! What a smart way to make a mock up!

  19. Great layout ideas! Thanks for the inspiration!


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