
Sunday, April 24, 2016

OMG: It's Finished, April Linkup Party!

My goal this month has been to catch-up with my Daily Dot Journal Quilt - A much harder charge than I thought!
Close-up shot of first Quarter-Panel.
Motivated to avoid creating any UFO's this year, I decided to Quilt-As-I-Go.
I had a hard time getting focused at this distance. 77 days make up this (first) Quarter-Panel.
I joined three panels by using the muslin backing and adding the black strip.
And even closer:
The double-ring has a Valentine's Day poem:
"Birds and Flowers all agree,
That you are just the one for me."

Kind of fun to have the same quilt working through 'stations' in my home!
The fourth panel is currently at the sofa.
I love selecting colors for big-stitching! I reached my 100th dot one week after March began, (the day after my LEAP dot!)
Even the 'label' will be finished by the end of the year!
 Backside of panel FOUR.
The FIFTH panel blocks are squared and waiting for assembly.
The pear block may be my favorite (lower right). I have been playing with Lara's raw-edge applique technique, in preparation for the Crafted Applique: New Possibilities Blog Hop --- coming SOON! OK, here is that pear, revealed:
The big question you may wonder, is whether or not I reached my goal?
Yes, just about! Had I not set this goal for April, I am certain that I would have fallen so far behind as to possibly lose the mojo. Perhaps I would be caught up on blogging, but this is the sacrifice haha!
I would have liked to make this post on the first of the month, to share with the Quilty365 Linkup Party, however I am finding that I must avoid linking to anything at the end or the beginning of each month. This way I make time to keep up with your quilting adventures! I want to be the best host I can be for One Monthly Goal. I may not be able to comment on every post, every time, but I am reading your goals and cheering you all on!
Remember to Make Time to Sew...
And don't forget to to laugh!

OK, Time to linkup your April Finishes!

 One Monthly Goal April Sponsors:


  1. Love your circles! I wasn't sure what these quilts would look like when people starting putting them together. Very cool looking.

  2. Wonderful work and project. Thanks for sharing.

  3. What a grand record of your quilt year!! Like that you are finishing as you go. Really does all work together.

  4. What an absolutely gorgeous quilt.

  5. What a spectacular and beautiful quilt, besides being a special keepsake!

  6. I'm fascinated by this quilt and the amount of work that has gone into it. It's truly amazing!

  7. I agree with Deb in the comment above - this quilt is definitely fascinating and I love all the details that you're putting into it.

  8. That is looking truly awesome, in the original sense of the word. I love what you're doing, and the sections are such a great idea. At the end of the year, you can sit back (cover up with) on your quilt and enjoy yourself! This is one of my favorite 365 quilts so far.

  9. I wish I could travel through my computer screen and look closely at all your fun circles. This really is an amazing project!

  10. Congrats on your finish, Heidi. Your circles look great. How cleaver of you to quilt as you go and get them finished. From the front I thought it looked like your circles were inset with the background on top, and then I noticed a photo of the back of one and yes, for sure, that's how they're done. Now I'm trying to remember if you wrote a post about how you stitched the circles. Did you? If so, can you point me to it? (If not, maybe you could post a tutorial?)

    I've almost reached my goal this month but have a few more stitches to put in before I can claim a finish and post it.

    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

    1. I just found your tutorial for making the circles. Thanks. I'm going to try it!

  11. Very very beautiful ! I will copy you for the QAYG, but in 3 long stripes...2 weeks before first panel end.

  12. Well done on achieving your goal. Some gorgeous circles there.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Congratulations on all the progress you've made, Heidi! I appreciate you hostessing this challenge for us to help all of us stay focused on our monthly goals.

  15. Wow, this is an amazing lot of work. It looks wonderful. Well done meeting your goal!

  16. Heidi your daily dots are so amazing! Not only do they look INCREDIBLE, but I really love how you are doing them as a journal... this is so cool! I like trying to read what you wrote on the back too. The pear and the Shasta camper make me smile from ear to ear!

    This month got away from me again and I know I'm not going to make my One Monthly Goal for April. But there is always next month to try again!

  17. Beautiful circles! I specially like the hand quilting, makes the quilt even more special. Thank you so much for hosting, I got me to finish a mini :)


  18. Awesome reaching your monthly goal! It's a very unique quilt, I haven't seen anything like it!

  19. Daily Dot quilt is so sweet! The handwork is gorgeous! Quilt as you go is a nice option too for quilting. Congratulations on completing as much as you have done on it.

  20. What an amazing quilt !!!! Congratulations !!!!

  21. Hi,
    Love all your dots. They are so pretty. I'm working on mine as well. Haven't started putting them together yet. Congrats on your monthly goal. Have a great day!

  22. Your quilt is fabulous! It makes me want to make one too!

  23. Great quilt! I love your big stitch quilting and fun backing too!

  24. Your quilt is coming out great! I'm just loving it! Oops! I linked up, then remembered I never took the time to 'formally' establish my OMG at the beginning of the month. Sorry about that!😊 XO

  25. It's looking great. Kudos for getting this far in the process. Keep going!!!

  26. I love your circles quilt Heidi! I think it so smart that you are doing panels. And your label--terrific idea, SO meaningful. Cool that you are 'with' Lara's book blog hop (me too! eep!)

  27. Love all those fabrics you are using in your circles quilt! I am gawking at them!! Posted my goal for OMG but still working on the finish as my machine was out for servicing most of the month! If I stay up late tonight I might finish I guess!

  28. Love all those fabrics you are using in your circles quilt! I am gawking at them!! Posted my goal for OMG but still working on the finish as my machine was out for servicing most of the month! If I stay up late tonight I might finish I guess!

  29. WOW!! Your daily dot quilt is fabulous!! You are on you way to finishing a priceless quilt. Congrats and thanks for being a wonderful host. Enjoy your weekend!!

  30. All your circles are really nice. I like the way the whole quilt is taking shape! Neat!

  31. Your circle quilt looks beautiful. Reminds me of the planets. Thank you for organising this OMG link party.:)

  32. Thanks a lot for sharing this April linkup party. Really impressed to see all this stuff. I really love quilting and just took part in a quilting contest at an event venue NYC. It was great taking part in this event and enjoyed a lot there.


Thank you for sharing your comments!