
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Quilty 365, One Dot per Day!

I have decided to join the project Quilty 365, hosted by Quilty Folk. We are making one circle dot per day for 366 days; A Daily Dot! I would like my finished quilt to read a bit like a journal of the year. Sometimes I'll just use a favorite fabric from my stash, but often inspired by an activity from that day.
I Began on November 30th, using the Number One to mark my first day...
Yesterday I made apple butter and chose an apple print, and today I am using up the apples saved for apple crisp so I went with another apple print, this one from my vintage stash. (umm, yes that is a pear there hanging with the apples, I actually snuck a few into my apple butter)
Tomorrow I am likely to use a bit of the fabric that I am over-dyeing today, with the ice method. Here it is photographed after 12 hours. If all goes well, this fabric will be used for a Jewelry Roll, a Christmas gift inspired by the Bag It! Challenge still going at Elm Street Quilts.

Next year I will be participating in the RSC 2016 - Rainbow Scrap Challenge, and I have narrowed my block choices down to about ten (so hard to decide!), but I will also make one scrappy dot per month in the colored assigned...
I am using the reverse applique method for my circles, with freezer paper and glue.
Each week I will make up some backgrounds, then select my dot fabrics each day. I'll be taking notes along the way as well, thinking maybe I will write on the backing fabric about the daily blocks. I may even use the quilt-as-you-go method and complete one unit each month. My circles are slightly smaller than Audrey's and my blocks are trimmed to 5".
Looks like I will have a bunch of leftover circles from those centers. hmmm...

This is a fun project!!

Sharing this today with Building Blocks Tuesday, Linky Tuesday, Fabric Tuesday,
and WIP Wednesday, since it is actually Wednesday - lol!

Check out the December Linkup at Quilty Folk to see what others are inspired to do with Quilty 365!


  1. Your blocks are very cute and neat ! This reverse applique method looks great. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Your circles are wonderful, and I love the dark subtle background fabrics you've chosen. Your reverse applique method looks interesting too and you have the bonus of all those leftover circles too. Another quilt ?

  3. It IS fun, isn't it :) Enjoy ! Your work is lovely ...adorable circles.

  4. Love your circles on the darker backgound :)

  5. Wow, what a great project!?! I just adore the reverse applique method, and have to watch myself to not make everything using this technique! This will be a great quilt to look back on, and it's so great that you have incorporated into the block something meaningful from that day.

    Greetings from Germany!

  6. Excellent post today! I have that lime green apple fabric, too! This is a great project and I like the way you've personalized it. I'm also intrigued with your circle making technique, something I've never tried. I'd need a tutorial to go by, though! Have a great evening! XO

    1. I forgot about the 'over-dying'! I want to know more about that, too! Why? How? All the juicy details!

    2. Thank you! I should have mentioned in this post, I did a tutorial with this method of applique early this year. It is for a heart shape, but the method is the same!

      I will post more about the over-dyeing once I make the jewelry roll, for now you can Google Ice-dyeing to see the method.

  7. Your dots look great it'll be lovely to look back on all the dots and remember what you did during the year. And I like your reverse applique method. I'll have to give it a try :)

  8. What great circles! Love that dark background and those fabrics you're using for the circles themselves, especially the '1'.:)

  9. I love your fabric choices for your circles!

  10. Great circles, and you have some really nice fabrics (I love those apples). I also like the reverse applique; haven't tried it like this but looks like a good approach.

  11. I like the idea of the daily blocks. Very manageable and a lovely way to record your year.
    Good luck with your fabric dyeing.

  12. You are off to a great start! I am doing the circles too, but I went crazy with mine.

  13. Great start to your circles. It will be fun to see how it changes as the year goes on. So happy to hear that yup will be using RS16 colors as well.

  14. Great fabric choices and thanks for the inspiration to try reverse applique!

  15. I am absolutely amazed at how many different methods people are using to make these little circles. Thanks for sharing your method. I love your fabric choices as well.

  16. Your circles look great! Hope your fabric dyeing turned out good!

  17. Those look great! Keep up the good work, and thanks for linking up to Building Blocks Tuesday

  18. So fun. I wish I had time to sew every day.

  19. The dot are looking great! I like your dark backgrounds and your technique. I'm going to do the one color dot per month thing, I think.


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