
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

ALYoF Interrupted by Bagging It!!!

I made the cutest little zip-pouch this morning!
Really, I try to stay focused, I do, but I am continually distracted. I blame it on savvy quilter's like Patty, from Elm Street Quilts, and Carol, who blogs at From My Carolina Home, these among the many blogger's that offer sweet temptations I cannot resist...
I have not even set my goals for the month and already I am breaking them!
Seriously, where is my resolve?
It seems I have jumped right on board with the Bag It!!!
Have you seen the series at Elm Street Quilts?
Irresistible FUN! I finished the first bag, and there are more tutorials to come..

Elm Street Quilts
Thought I better share the temptation with all the friendly folk who party with Lorna at Lets Bee Social, and another tidbit I will pass on too...

Carole gave me word she will be announcing a short holiday mystery-along on Friday. (Am I hopeless?)

Are all my flimsies doomed once they are draped on a hanger?

I had a lot of trouble selecting my monthly goal for November, but the clock is ticking and it is time to put something in writing! We all know the first step to achieving a goal is to actually set one. I have two projects I am currently working on that I can not post pictures of since they are gifts, and new bags and QAL's are not in line with my Q4 FAL goals!

My goal for November's Lovely Year of Finishes is to piece a backing and sandwich my Cozy Christmas Quilt. It may seem like an easy goal, however there are several projects ahead of it so this goal will actually help push them all along. Good Luck!


  1. I've been itching to make a couple of bags, too, even have all the fabrics and zippers see out, but I've resisted starting, so far. Your post, though, just might tip the scales! Good luck accomplishing your November goal!

  2. Great bag!!! I'm glad you are participating in Bag It series!

  3. Cute pouch! The fabrics look so good together. Are they all from the same line? Or just a fun mix?

  4. It's fun to get distracted by cute projects like this. Love the fabrics you used!

  5. Wow, that sure was fast. I'm still pondering fabrics to use! I really like the dog and girl squares. Your combination of novelty, floral, and plaid prints looks wonderful.

  6. Thanks for the info about Bag It! I will be joining in and getting some Xmas presents done.

  7. Nice bag. Hope you have lots of fun with the inspiring spontaneous stuff as well as get some "goals" done. Wish you good luck!

  8. That bag is adorable and would make good use of all the mini charms I have. I was in town and got hailed on last night! There were lots and lots of little pieces of ice in my hair...crazy!

  9. I made one today. No tab on the side, though! I like the little ribbon you put in your zipper. I can't wait to make another! Thanks for the push! XO

  10. Your little zip-pouch is so cute. Love it. I've never made a zip-pouch, I'll have to try this. Thanks for sharing.

  11. That IS a cute little pouch - I love scraps, so I love when projects get patchworked - and that doxie print is particularly adorable :D I saw the picture @ the Bag It! post today and came over for a peek :)

  12. I can never stay focused - adds to the fun of sewing, unless there's a deadline of course. Your little pouch is adorable. I love scrappy little projects. Came over from Bag It.


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