
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

On-Point: A Setting for Cozy Afternoon!

I have always been attracted to quilt blocks that are set on-point, how bout you?
For me, The "Cozy Afternoon" Quilt Setting is no exception!
Love Love Love the lattice design!
Really, this setting could be used in so many ways!
All the math has been done for us --- Thank you Jacquelynne!
How bout you, do you love windy shots?
Today, as we celebrate the release of Jacquelynne Steve's setting instructions (link HERE!), we also wrap up The Cozy Afternoon BOM Bloghop! I have really been looking forward to seeing all these blocks come together and I will definitely be visiting all the participant's blogs:

Kahryn @ Kathy's Quilts
Are you wondering if Jacquelynne is offering another e-bundle pattern giveaway?
Well, of course she is!
But first, a close up of my Cozy Afternoon Christmas blocks:
The idea to mimic the sweet little critters and use Jacquelynne's fabric, "Joy, Love, Peace, Noel" as my theme fabric was irresistible, though I love the sweet, teacup blocks designed for Cozy Afternoon! I plan to use one or two of the block patterns (the birdie!) to embroider dish towels as Christmas gifts.
As everyone gets to work on their settings, this seems like a good time to share a quick tip!
Did you know there is usually less stretch in your fabric running lengthwise than widthwise? Whenever possible, I cut my borders from the length of my fabric rather than across the width...
And now, let's see what Jacquelynne is sharing for the finale!

I adore the black and red version of Hugs & Kisses!!
This pattern "e-bundle" will be awarded to one lucky reader at EACH stop in the blog hop!
To enter the giveaway:
Please leave a comment on this post prior to Sunday October 18th, at midnight (PDT time!).
Maybe you have a tip to share with readers about working with borders? Or not, haha!
Blog followers receive a second entry, because it makes me so happy to know who is reading;)
Each comment is an 'entry', so please leave a second one to let me know how you follow!
The winners will be contacted by email on Wednesday, Oct. 21st!
Remember to leave your email address if you are a no-reply blogger!
Although I may not be able to reply to every comment during a giveaway, please know how much I appreciate your visit and enjoy hearing from you!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for your inspiration. I do not like to pin but do pin my sashings. I cannot get my auto correct to spell sashings without it is with sewing them too.

  3. I do love the windy shots... and I love your quilt!

  4. Darling quilt!! Glad you appreciate windy shots -- it seems it is hard to get a photo around here without a breeze blowing. Thanks for sharing. Sally

  5. Have thoroughly enjoyed Jacquelynne Steves BOM's. This is my second one of hers. I have done others from different sources. I like Ms. Steve's BOM's because I can make the choice to do machine applique or hand embroidery. Either way I love projects with texture and dimension.

  6. I love your Christmas version of the quilt, Heidi! It's so darn cute! I measure my quilt top through the center and then cut my borders to that measurement + 1/2". When I sew the borders on, I extend them 1/4" on each end. This allows me to square up the corners if needed.

    1. This is a GREAT tip and too right!
      How often we cut exactly the length, then find the outer corners somehow are not square!

  7. This was my first BOM and I loved it! Yes, having all the measurements was especially appealing! Can't wait for the next one! Also ready to start this one with a different theme, as you did!

  8. I love your Christmas version, what a great idea!

  9. Love your quilt. So, sew cute! Not every quilt needs borders.

  10. Love that you turned this into a Christmas quilt.

  11. I love the look of your quilt with other options for the centers of the blocks. This helps me see how versatile this pattern can be! Thank you!

  12. I didn't think of using other options with this pattern. Very Generous of Jacqueline to giveaway a bundle for each of you who have Blogged this quilt. I love on-point, too. You can never have too many Christmas Quilts.

  13. This bom was so fun...because I have never made two quilts from the same pattern before, and both are so different!! I generally always wait until the finishing step to measure and cut borders, because I just may have changed my mind on something. Love your Christmas theme and using blue.

  14. Lovely combo of embroidery, pieced blocks and fabric!

  15. This has been sew much fun and my 1st BOM...I love it!!! Every one of the tops I have seen are sew wonderful and me so many ideas on how to change up using this wonderful pattern of Jacquelynne's! I will be joining the next one she does for sure :) Thank you.

  16. I follow by email and I forgot to add my email address in my other post in case :)

  17. I love Jacquelynne's well-written, easy-to-follow patterns. I'm doing 3 versions of Cozy Afternoon: a thimbleberries with applique, a 30's repro with embroidery and a fussy-cut Laurel Burch cat one. My border tip is one probably everyone knows: measure through middle of quilt, horizontally and vertically, and cut borders on length-wise grain, if possible...they don't stretch as much; then sew with border fabric on top. DO NOT cut a length of fabric, sew to top and then trim---this is an almost sure-fire way to get a wavy border.

  18. I follow your blog via email reminders. I do not really have any border tips for others but really appreciate your tip about lengthwise cuts. This may help with my wavy border syndrome!

  19. I just found this BOM about 2 weeks ago. So I've been playing catch up to get my blocks done. I don't have any tips for anyone since I'm a relatively new quilter. My only suggestion would be not to be afraid to try something new, you might surprise yourself.

  20. I especially like quilts with no borders or very subtle borders. I love, love, love your color choices and narrow borders for the BOM!

  21. Such cute critters! Love how you translated her fabric into your center blocks! (I'm not in the drawing, just stopped by to say "Hello!")

  22. Love your Cozy "Christmas" quilt- what a great idea! Thanks for being part of my Block of the Month!

  23. love everyones quilts

  24. there are so many versions of this quilt it really is fun.

  25. The layout of Jacquelynne's pattern is very versatile. Love how you used it to make a Christmas quilt!

  26. Thank you for sharing your tips, I read tips on a lot of blogs to help me as I'm a novice to this, but I've already learned to love it!

  27. Your quilt is fab, love the colours.

  28. Your quilt turned out just beautiful. What a great Christmas quilt.

  29. Your quilt turned out just beautiful. What a great Christmas quilt.

  30. Love your Christmas fabric used in this quilt!

  31. Loving the windy shots ... and the colourway looks really fresh too! I've heard starching the border fabric works well but I can't say I really struggle ... maybe I'm just lucky!

  32. Yes, windy shots give your quilt life. Your figures are so cute and I love the colors.

  33. What a cute idea to use Christmas animals in the center!


Thank you for sharing your comments!