
Friday, October 23, 2015

Four new Scissor Cozies!

Scissor Cozies, Tutorial at S.O.T.A.K. Handmade HERE

I received some happy mail this week!
A Rum Raisin Layer Cake, sent by Shelley who blogs at A Carpenter's Daughter Who Quilts.
Shelley offered this generous giveaway to celebrate her recent Birthday!
I quickly decided to make her a scissor cozy as a Thank You,
Blue is her favorite color.
And why not make four while I'm at it?!
One for my sister who flew into town yesterday,
Raindrops seemed appropriate since she lives in Seattle...
One for myself, made with some favorite vintage muslin that I listed unsuccessfully in my Etsy shop for more than one year, even though it was only $6 yard. Some things are meant for me I guess!
The tutorial is easy and the only changes I will make next time are to topstitch the zipper edges, and I would like a zipper tab on both ends rather than just one.
And the last one I made for my next giveaway, for followers.
Coming soon:)
Yes, these scissors have four blades! I am not sure what they were made for, but I have used them when making chenille, and other raw-edge projects that need to fray a bit.

Linking up with Friday Finish links, buttons on my sidebar!


  1. Great idea, might have to go visit that link...another want-to-do project to add to the list, make that novel!! Love all your fabrics you chose and congrats on the win...I had my head down, stayed out of QBL for a week and missed Shelley's giveaway...and I KNEW about it. Glad you've made her a thank you; she's a sweetie, as are you for doing that! :-)

  2. Love all your scissor bags, they look great. As for those multi blade scissors, they are for dicing and harvesting herbs and make quick work of it too!

  3. Sweet! I know just who I need to make one for! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Your scissor cozies turned out great! I must check out this tutorial.

  5. These are very fun! It never occurred to me to have a cozy for my scissors. Is it your own pattern? Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

  6. These are great scissor cosies. Love the fabrics you have used. lovely gifts.

  7. Love the fabrics you used! Thank you for the link to the tutorial. I need to make some for gifts - and some for me....

  8. Lovely, I've just been given one if these - really useful

  9. Those are great - I have Svetlana's Two in One Zipper Pouch pattern, but hadn't noticed the scissors pouch - I could use this when I take my scissors in for sharpening :) And what a cool gift for a sewy friend!


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