
Monday, August 24, 2015

Giveaway Winner & Happy Mail!

Swapping fabric and making friends are definitely fun benefits of blogging! This morning I filled the Zippy Pouch I made for my 200th Blogpost Giveaway, and posted it to the winner!
I follow Kathy's blog, Running With Rocket, so I was pretty excited when Ty drew her name! Straight away, I went about looking for fabric bits she might enjoy. I only found one airplane print, but added a few others I hope she likes.

My mailman had been missing for three weeks and Ty and I were beginning to worry. We finally wrote a little note on the box, but then we heard the truck & raced out. We were happy and relieved that Mel is back and has only been away on vacation! Whew!

Then, he handed me a package! It is Blog-lovin of the best kind! This is the bundle of goodness I won last week from the lovely Mary of Quiltin' Grandma's Blog!
Lara, do you see the little bees on the pear? *Squish!*
I am in LOVE with the black & White Batik bundle! The blue batik has been added to a beautiful stack I am collecting for my mother's quilt, which I hope to get around to in the next year. Mary also included the sweet pincushion pattern. It is written to be used with wools and I do have some wool plaids hoarded, but they are not felted. I wonder if I can use them as they are for this hand-stitching project, since I don't have time this week to attempt felting... hmm..

Which brings me to the exciting week ahead! I am preparing some hand-stitching projects I can tote along to Alaska. Yes, ALASKA! I will be there for a month and pretty darn excited about it!
This means however, all my projects and plans for September are on HOLD!

I have all these little projects packed for the trip:
And now, hopefully, I can find materials to work on making pear-pincushions as well!
The EPP/UFO in the baggy is a Jinny Beyer Patchwork Ball, and this will be my September Goal for A Lovely Year of Finishes!
All of my blog posts will be drafted this week and posted from Alaska in September!
OMGosh, I hope I can stay warm in El Norte Grande!
Thank you for all the kind comments left on my giveaway post! I wish I could make a bag for each of you:) There were a few no-reply bloggers and if you did not receive a reply from me, you may be one of them! Many of you are aware of this status and leave email addresses for the drawing..
Another Bugger: As of recent, I no longer receive an email notification when readers with Yahoo email leave a comment. I find this frustrating and don't know how to fix it!


  1. Glad you got your Package! I got it out in time for you to see it. Have a great time on your trip!

  2. all email do that for some stupid reason or they want take email from any one and i tried to fix it and couldn't

  3. Try changing to a pop up window for comments. Might work. This southwest block looks like lots of fun! Have a wonderful time on your trip to Alaska!

  4. Oh congratulations to Kathy! Alaska? I'm so jealous, have a great time xxx

  5. I hope you take lots of photos of life in Alaska to share with us. It is on my bucket list of places to visit someday.

  6. I am so excited to be a winner. It's turning out to be a fab week.
    My daughter is in Ketchikan so if you are doing the inside passage, be sure to *wave*.
    I've been all over the southeast part of alaska but not to the mainland part. I bet you are so excited. Take spare batteries, a journal to sketch with and there are serious fabric stores up there too.

  7. Congratulations to Kathy - I know she is one lucky duck and will love your gift!
    Hahaha - yes I do see the little bees Heidi. :) What a fun win for you and perfect timing too with some added sewing you can do while in Alaska! it looks like you chose the perfect take-with-you things to do.
    I think you and Ty are so great - love your story about running out to see your mail carrier. I'm glad that Mel was merely on vacation. We love our mail carrier Helen too. A few times, when she delivered packages, she has even brought her own beadwork along so she can show me what she's been working on. She is Tuscaroran and does the most gorgeous traditional beading projects.

  8. Sweet and you will love Alaska!

  9. It most likely went to your junk/spam box. Yahoo is flagged as spam by many isps.


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