
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day!

Love Giveaways?
Me too!
What I love most about giveaways is the sentiment involved in the fabric received from fellow quilters. It is, to me, a way of celebrating the community of quilters that has grown from our ability to share online. Using fabric received from a fellow quilter, in a handmade item such as a quilt, is forever a reminder of this and really makes it that much more of a treasure!

I love scrappy-goodness, and especially when a bit of whimsy is added.
My current project has some fussy-cutting involved. It is a cover for a cookbook I am gifting my mother for MOM's Day. Almost done now, and I plan to share the finish on Friday. I think Mom will appreciate the large-type print, and the variety of recipes (from the NY Times) is perfect.
This Plum Chutney recipe caught my eye. What I miss I think most about living in the Pacific Northwest is the abundance of food to put up. (what, it is not the rain?). If one is not lucky enough to have their own Italian Prune tree, bags of them will appear on doorsteps each season, from neighbors up to their eyeballs in them! I think I have made prune everything over the years. Most years, I'd put up peaches, pears, green beans, tuna, applesauce, corn, PRUNES!, cherries, & berries...

Oh yeah, the giveaway..
Followers of my blog may recall I celebrated a birthday not too long ago. (thanks for your patience!)My idea was to grow a small collection of some of my favorite print, 49 of them to be exact!
The stack weighs 1.4lbs and includes a variety of sizes and styles, some vintage, some modern, and quite a few out of print desirables. This prize may not be for everyone, but if you enjoy scrappy quilting & fussy cutting, you will be thrilled! These deserve a closer look..

I keep a bit of almost every fabric that comes through my studio. Finding deals is one of my favorite hobbies. I buy online, at my local LQS, through guild sales, and quilter's destash sales. I try to keep my Etsy Fabric Shop fresh with new listings each week, always hoarding a bit of each piece!

How to win?
Please leave a comment! Tell me what you are making for Mother's Day, or perhaps there is a favorite fabric in this bundle? Maybe you want to tell me whether you have been to Vegas, and did you visit Quiltique, or another LQS while here?

Followers may leave an additional comment for a second entry - please let me know how you follow:-)

Giveaway closes Sunday, May 10th, at Midnight - 12:00 PST & the winner selected by Ty, The Randomizer ;-)

If you are visiting from Sew Mama Sew's HUGE giveaway, thank you for stopping by! If not, you will want to check it out!

Because I expect a lot of traffic to this post, I would also like to take this opportunity to share some of the barn blocks my husband made last year. We are considering picking this up again, and I thought you, the quilty community, may have some input!
Although both these red & green blocks did sell online, (through my Etsy Quilt Shop), they were not quick sales and Ty has not been inclined to make more for the profit he received. These are 24", made of rebar, & I think they sold for $90., plus $40 shipping. (wow, right? these were heavy, and both shipped across the country). He is in the process now of making a new one using a metal backing that is not solid, therefore not quite as heavy. I like it better too because it has a textured pattern that I think will look nice painted. We sold several smaller ones at the local art show as well, Friendship Blocks with no backing. These are much lighter to ship, however this size takes almost the same amount of time to make and seems more of a patio décor, or even indoor, since it would not be as visible on an exterior wall of a home or barn. We both like this size better, however we did learn quickly at art shows that 'smalls' are what seem to move. The Card Trick, and this Chinese Puzzle with no back did sell at the show, $135. each I believe.
And this white one did not. I think the blocks with backing were priced at $150 for the show and really should be near that price to be a realistic enough profit to motivate Ty to pick this up again. This white one is actually my favorite and I have it on the front of my home. My home is a light color though, so it does not stand out well & I need to paint it. I would prefer to paint the house though and I suppose that is why I have ignored it. Ty will not make any with this type backing again as it was too thin to weld easily. It does give you an idea of what he is making now though - very similar and I think I will paint it white as well, & photograph it somewhere else, haha.
This last photo I found shows the Churn Dash unpainted. We both like this look yet we were not sure others would. Ty has also finished his (other) rebar art with a clear coat to keep the rebar color, yet prevent rust. As well, there is a product he has mentioned to me than creates rust. These options involve a bit more prep-work and therefore would price higher.

Feedback I can share with Ty is appreciated!
I really want to post a few of these at my Etsy site!
Any opinion is welcome: Colors, block patterns, with or without the metal backing, and affordability.
Ty would like to eliminate the chain as well. The top sits a bit forward of the wall and he would prefer it flush, without the chain. Perhaps screwed on..
Thank you, Thank you, and Good Luck with all the giveaways!
Are you wondering why my scraps were in my Pool Room?


  1. I love the LIzzy House ducks!

  2. The Hawaiian girl fabric is adorable. I've never seen that one before. I'm not working on anything for Mother's day but I have two graduation quilts I'm working on.

  3. New follower on bloglovin'.

  4. Hard to pick a favorite - the purple, the red violet, the blue petals, yellow diamonds, black and whites. I could list most of the fabrics. These are prefect for scrape quilts.

  5. Never been to Vegas, lol! Never actually been out of of Europe before. I do love fabric scraps, though and you have quite the cute selection there for fussy cutting! Thanks for the chance!

  6. I love the red with the white horseshoes. And the one with aqua berries on the green background? Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. I'm also a follower via bloglovin now :)

  8. I love scrappy quilting! Looks like a lot of great pieces. Thanks so much!

  9. Love the ducks in the scrap pile! I am a scrapper.

  10. i went to the quilt show in Chattanooga , Tenn.

  11. those would be sooo fun to play with!

  12. I love the tape measure & text print fabrics! I'm not working on anything for Mother's Day, but I am in the midst of 10 baby quilts. Thanks for the chance to win! mto2golsen (at) gmail (dot) com

  13. I have visited Vegas many times and taken the drive over to that shop!

  14. I've been to Vegas, to go rock-climbing nearby! These fabrics are great!
    mandiprout80 (at) gmail (dot) com

  15. Oh i would love to win!!! Thank you for the chance! :) I have been to Vegas twice but if I had intended to go to a quilt shop the rest of the family would probably not have spoken to me for a couple days lol
    All the fabrics are adorable for fussy cutting! :)
    susi dot ullmann at yahoo dot de

  16. I see some Lizzie house that I love!

  17. I've been to LV but this was before I quilted. Love all the fabrics!

  18. I've been to Las Vegas, but didn't quilt at the time. Thanks for the chance!

  19. Love the purple/green/red/blue stripe fabric! Thanks for the chance to win!

  20. I love scrap fabric, it's too hard to pick a favorite but the red/white in the center got my attention right away.

  21. When my mom was alive, I always made her something. Now I always make something for my aunt and this year she is going to find a table runner delivered to her by the postman!!!!

  22. Hello! Your fabrics are gorgeous. I love the Hawaiian girl. We were fortunate on our 25th wedding anniversary to WIN (earn) a trip to Kauai for my husband's sales at work! We made it a family trip with our daughter. While there, I found an exquisite quilt store, and two yards of batik came home with me to Georgia!
    I like your husband's red barn piece the most. I think the silver trim really complements the red. Thank you again

  23. I love all the fabrics! I was in Las Vegas last year but didn't know about you. Next time!

  24. I follow you via Bloglovin!!! Thanks for the chance to win your fantastic bundle of fabric pieces!!

  25. I'm helping my boys make decoupaged vases for the grandmas.

    Ty's work is stunning. In selling handmade work, I've found that a variety of price points increases sales. Can he use his skill to make something that is simpler & faster so that he can also have a lower price point? At the same time, he can create a larger more intricate piece and price it quite a bit higher. It may or may not sell, but it will catch attention and make his other work feel even more affordable.

    Best wishes!

  26. I'm not working on anything for mother's day, but I do have a bunch of baby quilts I need to get started on! :)

  27. I'm *making* my way to my mom's house! I'll be 6 days late, but I haven't seen Mom since September when I moved to Alaska.

    My favorite was the unpainted - very shabby chic, very in right now....

  28. I lived in Vegas for over 50 years. Moved to Oregon to be by my sisters. I collect black and white prints so you can guess which fabric is my favorite.

  29. I would love to win those scraps! They are all so pretty! I'm currently working on a quilt for my mom for Mothers Day. I used Honeysweet by Moda and a cream sashing. I just have the quilting left to do and binding. I'm racing against time here. Lol

  30. I've been following you on bloglovin for a year or so and I LOVE your blog!

  31. I'm not making anything for Mother's Day this year, but my sister and I did order a photo cup with the grandkids' pictures on it. :}

  32. No Mother's Day sewing for me, but I did just finish a little project for my Dad's upcoming birthday. Now it's back to trying out new patterns for myself!

  33. A clamshell pillow.

  34. I follow you with bloglovin.

  35. bluebird park was the first bundle I got and will always have a special place in my heart

  36. I was in Vegas -- on a road trip when I was 10. My dad took us into a casino to show us the evils of gambling, and the security guard wouldn't let him stay with children! :)

  37. Great scraps! I'm knitting a pair of socks for my mom and making a quilted table runner for my mother-in-law.

    I think your husband's barn blocks are really cool - the red and white one is my favorite. The shipping does sound kind of outrageous though - it seems like the type of thing that might sell better at a craft/art fair but of course that would be a bigger investment. I would think that Ty needs to figure out what price he needs to get in order to make it worth his time and then maybe offer them as custom listings (so somebody could choose the block style/color).

  38. I would love to give these to my girls and see what they could create! I donated all my scraps a couple years ago and haven't made time for enough projects to build a new stash.

  39. I went to Vegas 3 and a half years ago... got there at 1am, and was up at 5am to go on a shop hop! Quiltique was my favourite and I always tell people to go there! I am from Canada and it was the biggest LQS I had/have ever been in!

  40. I'm not making anything for Mother's Day as my mother is no longer alive and I'm not a mother BUT I am working on a quilt for my niece that needs to be finished in two days. She graduates with her Master's on proud of her! You have wonderful taste in fabric and I see several that are so cute, love the spinning wheels in pink.

  41. I am a follower via Bloglovin!

  42. I love all your fabric, what a great price! I've never been in Vegas, but have been twice in Houston. I am Dutch. For fabrics the USA is great! Thanks for the chance.

  43. I love some of that Izzy House. Never been to Vegas

  44. I am actually focused on graduation gifts. I didn't make anything for mothers day! SLACKER!

  45. Love the Lizzy House but the Rosie hte Riveter bit would probably get used up first! Thanks for the chance! :) stephmabry-at-yahoo-dot-com

  46. Love your hula dancer fabric

  47. Making a crochet item for Mother'sday - Have neverf been to Vegas!

  48. No special mother's day project here... I couldn't help but notice you have Rosie the Riveter in there!! I LOVE Rosie. That's awesome.

    Thanks for this giveaway opportunity!

  49. I made a little crochet pouch! never been to vegas! thanks for the chance!

  50. And I follow you on bloglovin! thanks again!

  51. This year I've made iris/corner folding cards with photos of my kids in them and will also be cooking up a storm for my mum and MIL for mother's day.

  52. I am making my mom a tote. Thanks for the chance!

  53. I'm traveling this Mother's Day

  54. I have been to vegas. Thanks for hosting this give away. Mrscummings2u at Gmail dot com

  55. I am making an embroidered bag for my Mom for Mother's Day. Thank you!

  56. I have been to Vegas, but I didn't visit any quilt shops .

  57. I love the fabric with the little Hula girls on it. Your husbands quilt blocks are really pretty. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  58. Hard to pick from that great pile. I think I see some Reunion! :)

  59. I'm making my mom a hanging basket.
    As far as your hubby: and from a USPS viewpoint: Can he make them in a size that will fit into a flat rate box? The large one is 12" x 12" x 6". Do people want the larger size he is making?
    Making them smaller would be more cost friendly and shippable.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  60. Love love love scraps!!! My favorite is the white and pink (4th from top of the stack)
    lorirnelson (at) gmail (dot) com

  61. I'm not making anything specific for Mother's Day. I sew for myself all the time, so i guess its always mothers day

  62. I love the fabrics with letters, numbers, !*&, as they pop a quilt and draw people in to see what it "says". Love the variety, and enjoy following your site.

  63. I'm probably making a Black Out cake for my mother, for Mother's Day. I did it last year and she LOVED it, she said it was just like the original.

  64. Wow the blocks Ty made are way too cool!
    I'm not making my mom anything - was going to paint a light house or of terra cotta pots but decided s she needs a gift card to the fabric store

  65. Love that blue fabric...fourth from the right after the B&W in front row. My husband and I talk about the handmade art like your husband does. Most people are not willing to pay the money that covers the costs of materials and SOME of the labor involved in the construction of larger items. Personally, I like the bright colored ones. I do know what rebar weighs and know you will have to find something lighter weight. But for me, weather is a real consideration. I'm in Carson City NV (your neighbor to the north) and wind and sand blasting as well as sunblistering drain the color out of everything and strip the paint off somethings. Also, it blows away anything not nailed down and some that is!!! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  66. Ooh! I love that one with geese? ducks? some kind of adorable waterfowl!

  67. I love those sheep! I also love collecting bits and pieces of fabrics to use in quilts.

  68. Some of those are super awesome! I have the old-timey valentines poems in black. I found it at a thrift store.

  69. The fabric with the little houses is adorable! I am working on a quilted hand-bag fro mother day! <3

  70. I like the fabric with the little hula dancers.

    wlinda_ca at yahoo dot com

  71. I'm following you by email.

    wlinda_ca at yahoo dot com

  72. Making a table runner for my mom this year!

  73. My mom passed last October, my stepmom doesn't want anything, and she and my daughter live in another country, so I'm making memories. One of the things I've been doing is writing stories from my family as I grew up so i can give them to my kids. They are 20-somethings now. I often take special "days off" where I don't have to go anywhere to take some time to write them. And they are handwritten. Most important! I have been through Las Vegas twice at the airport, but never got to visit.

  74. I am loving a lot if those fabrics! But particularily the top left orange :)

  75. Gorgeous fabrics! We don't have Mother's Day in UK, we had Mothering Sunday back in March, it has *become* Mother's Day but is historically a church day about visiting the mother church (main church in an area) for the first time in spring, and girls in service would have a chance of seeing their mum at church, and would pick flowers for mum on the way!!!! (Comment)

  76. (I follow by bloglovin)
    I love the churn dash blocks husband makes. I prefer the solid ones rather than the mesh, but I rather like the unpainted / rusty one. I probably wouldn't by anything bigger than 12" sq as it would be out of proportion in my garden. Oh and I've never been to LA

  77. Mother's day has been and gone here in Ireland and I was flat out making cushion covers for all the lovely Nana's for some reasons the mums didn't get a look in. I love scraps and fussy cutting. Fab giveaway.

  78. I like the words. I will be out with other Moms whose children are far away.

  79. Thank you for a great giveaway, I love scraps and am very pleased to see some text prints here. In England we have Mothering Sunday in March, enjoy your special day. x

  80. I follow with Bloglovin. x

  81. I can see little houses and little sheep on some of those pieces, they're lovely!
    thanks for the chance. irinadejuanATgmailDOTcom

  82. I like the deep blues you have in the bundle. I live in England where its very green and lush so we would often share our grown food too.

  83. Mother's Day has been and gone here in the UK. There were no handmade gifts this year but I did make my mum a couple things for organiser (Constance organiser - Fabric Mutt tutorial) using Wee Wander fabrics and an ipad cover with a Viking on.

  84. I love those ducks, so cute. I've never been to Vegas, I've not got a mum and I've not got kids either so I'm a bit of a bad candidate for answering your other questions lol

  85. I've never been to Vegas - never been to the US, actually. I'll have to rectify this one beautiful day :)

  86. I guess I really haven't thought of mothers day yet. I will have to do that next week. What a wonderful group of fabric. What wonderful thing someone could make with that.

  87. I guess I really haven't thought of mothers day yet. I will have to do that next week. What a wonderful group of fabric. What wonderful thing someone could make with that.

  88. For mother's day.... I'm creating a new flower bed to go with the sunhat I created for mom!

  89. Not making anything for mother's day this year!

  90. I've been trying to figure out what to make for mother's day and last night as I was going to sleep I decided that it would be a letter. My Mom just moved and is downsizing (a very painful process for her) so I thought that might fit the bill. Finding fabric deals in one of my favorite hobbies too!

  91. I am working on a quilt. Thank you for the giveaway.

  92. I love all fabric and I have never been to Vegas! Jackie-donnaatmsndotcom

  93. I love the Hula Girl fabric. I won't be sewing on Mother's Day but will be cooking for my Mom and family.

  94. My favorite fabric in that photo is the piece of measuring tape peeking out. How cute!
    momoftana at yahoo dot com

  95. We celebrate Mother's Day earlier in the year so it's not on my radar now! I love the Lizzy House ducks, I still have a few precious bits of that line safely tucked away! thanks for the giveaway

  96. I'm not making anything for Mother's Day, but my youngest made me some bath salts last night =) I guess she's not one for keeping a gift secret.

  97. I'm a follower. Love all those fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway!

  98. I love the fabric. I have been to Vegas, at that point I had not started quilting and did not visit any fabric stores.

  99. I have been to Vegas and visited Quiltique as well as the other area quilt stores. Poor hubby had to drive me around for the day!

  100. Thank you for your giveaway. I am working on three scrappy quilts at the moment, but not anything for Mother's Day. I really like all the green fabrics you have in that bundle.

  101. I have been to Vegas... 20 years ago. My how time flies. Doesn't feel that long!

  102. I follow via bloglovin! Thanks for the chance to win!

  103. I am painting a plaque with a house #... I better get started!

  104. Those barn blocks are cool! And the Lizzy house ducks- swoon!

  105. Someday I want to make an I-Spy quilt .. and this would certainly help!

  106. I have never been even near the US .. so no no Las Vegas. Ahh mother's day will be a weekend later this year as I was informed that the weekend after would be the one to plant all the vegetables and the annuals and my presence would be much appreaciated (read: if you don't come, you won't ever again get any strawberries).

  107. I have been to Vegas. I actually got married there on Friday the 13th (not planned, just happened to be that date lol). Guess it's been lucky since we still are married 28 years later. I did not quilt yet when there. I love the black and white prints and Rosie the Riveter fabric is pretty cool. Thanks for the great giveaway.
    smflks at gmail dot com

  108. Mother's Day is a bit of a somber affair since I lost my Mom almost 2 years ago. I am trying to learn how to use her embroidery sewing machine that I inherited. I might open up the case this weekend.
    I am a follower on Bloglovin. under my name Michelle N. Folkerts
    burrfarm at netins dot net

  109. I love Ty's art - but would probably be priced out of it. I hope he keeps making them!

  110. Love the fabric so different that is they way I love it....Never been to Vegas or to a quilt show.....not really sure if they have them here in Nova Scotia....

  111. I have never been to Vegas, but am planning a trip for my 40th birthday...hoping to check out quiltique then.

  112. what a great bunch of scraps! I'm loving the Hula girl!

  113. I wish I was actually making something for Mother's Day. Instead I am up to my ears in a quilt for my new niece/nephew! skooksplayground[at]gmail[dot]com

  114. I spied a cute tiny house print that made my heart go pitty-pat! And some pretty reds, a gorgeous marine blue, some lime green and aqua that I love also occupied my eye. I love fabric! I love fussy cutting for my bags and baskets, and scrappy quilted insets for them, too. And yes, I have been to Vegas; I attended a convention there with my husband once, and I had some training at a JoAnn store there when I was a new-hire for the Indianapolis store several years ago.

  115. I'm following on Bloglovin', too!

  116. I looooove scrappy quilts! I am doing some fussy cutting for a pinwheel quilt right now and it's a fun challenge! I love getting inspired by other people's scraps- thanks so much for the chance to win! The one thing I really miss from my days in Bremerton WA is our yard full of blackberry bushes (except for tripping over the runners and the scratches from trying to tame them!). Thanks! Sarah: crjandsbj(at)netzero(dot)com

  117. oh i do love sandi henderson's designs!
    berly at uw dot edu

  118. Now following on bloglovin! Thanks! Sarah: crjandsbj(at)netzero(dot)com

  119. I love scraps--thanks for the chance to win some!! I am making dinner for my mom and MIL for mother's day (and my daughter is making dessert).

  120. I spy a tidbit of Amy butler and love her colours!

  121. Thank you for the giveaway - I love scraps and yours look amazing! I have been to Vegas but it was for my sister's wedding so no fabric shopping alas! As for your signs, I much prefer the painted ones if that's any help?

  122. I follow by plain visiting the blog (not sure if that counts :/)

  123. I love the Lizzy House Ducks!

  124. I adore the dancing hula girls and the geese.

  125. Thanks for the chance to the text prints I see there!

  126. Those barn blocks are amazing!

  127. I am making my mom a quilt that she chose the fabric and design for. The flimsy is made, waiting for my turn at the machine quilter's!

  128. Looks like some real goodies in your bundle! Never been to Vegas but when I do go, fabric shops are on the list!

  129. Love the black/white fabrics!!

  130. great giveaway. Been to Vegas - never to a quilt shop though, next time it's on my list :) I'm making my mom the quilt she picked out ...

  131. I'm making wash clothes for a housewarming gift for people we are helping to move on Mother's Day.

  132. never been to Vegas, not making anything for Mother's Day, but I do love that fabric with the little houses

  133. I didn't make my mom anything for Mother's Day but I did do a project with her. I helped her stain her deck!

  134. Cute fabrics in that bundle!

    Pink Scissors Design on Etsy
    pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com

  135. I love, love, love scraps! The little ruler print in your stack is so cute! Thanks for the chance to win!

  136. I am making a table runner for my mom. I love scrappy.

  137. happy birthday I used to live two hours away from vegas when growing up, we went to a most awesome ice cream parlor. don't know if it is even there now not making anything for mothers day have been sewing all year for our sons wedding may 31, 2015 so I will be taking a day off your husbands blocks are so awesome. what if he put the chain on the top of the top rung?
    quilting lady 2 at Comcast dot net

  138. following you on Bloglovin now
    quilting lady 2 at Comcast dot net

  139. ERMAHGERD!! I love scraps and fussy-cutting; I'm making scads of Economy blocks! For my mom, I made a Holly Hobbie kind of shower cap (with a wide ruffle). I think it's an odd-looking-cap, but she's wanted one for months, so I did it. :) She was thrilled. Since she got her gift early, I invited her to come down and we'd hang out all day on Saturday.

  140. I'm following you via BlogLovin!

  141. My nephew lived in Henderson a few summers ago and we drive through Vegas on our way from So Cal to Denver. I love Quiltique! I bought fabrics there to make my nephew a quilt for his wedding!

  142. Is that Rosie the Riveter in there? What a great fabric! I was sad to hear the woman that picture was modeled on passed away just in the past week or so. Thanks for the chance!~ coudre at dmdrafting dot com

  143. I follow you on bloglovin' coudre at dmdrafting dot com

  144. I like that red one on top with text. I love text prints! But all of them are gorgeous and perfect for a quilter like me! funny you should mention Vegas. Yes, I was there last week. I get 2 free nights at The Orleans about 3 times a year so I go and have been to most every museum in town! I would love to get to the LQS but I go with my husband who thinks that is a stupid thing to waste his time doing so I dont' get to go! ONe of these days, maybe I can talk him into dropping me at the LQS and tell him to go to the shooting range!!!

  145. We do cards for Mother's Day, I have one finished and one yet to begin! My first ever quilt was fussy-cut, and I have loved scrap quilts and fussy cutting ever since. :)

  146. I live in the PNW (Canada) and have an italian plum in my backyard. :-)

    t_ktl at

  147. My mother would yell if I spent any money on her, so she's getting a watercolor painted homemade card. And I'll probably sneak her some fresh flowers next time I visit :)

  148. I love that turquoise and green fabric at the bottom!

  149. I love scrappy quilts and you have a wonderful colletion of prints and colors. My mom will be visiting this weekend for Mother's Day and we will be plant shopping for the garden and flower pots..

  150. I've never been to Vegas, but I've watched some of the COPS episodes of Vegas. It looks like a wild place.

  151. I follow on Bloglovin.

  152. Hi, I follow on Bloglovin. Thanks

  153. I have been to Las Vegas, but I haven't had a chance to visit! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  154. I have been to Las Vegas, but I haven't had a chance to visit! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  155. Hi, I follow on Bloglovin. Thanks

  156. I won't get to see my mom this weekend because of work, but I'm planning on making something for her to take the next time I visit. I'm thinking a Super Tote, and fill it with some of her favorite treats :)

  157. I made mom homemade dish clothes - knit from cotton yarn with old school quilted toppers that you hang the dish cloth from... she loves when I make her quilted placements, pillows, and two years ago we made her a quilt made entirely from blue jeans! Your fabrics are so unique! Love them all!!!!

  158. My (adult) children are taking my out for breakfast on Mother's Day.

  159. Love the Lizzy House prints! I went to Vegas (loved it), but never made it beyond the strip. I made an order online to have flowers delivered to my mom. Maybe next year I will find the time to make something for her.

  160. I made an apron for my mother and my daughters for mother's day. Thanks,

    courtneyahrenholtz at gmail dot com

  161. I love scrappy quilts because there are so many things to see in them. I like to include things that are unexpected or amusing. There is a print in your stack that looks like it might be horseshoes. Oh my, I have a niece that would love that! As for Mother's Day, I made (okay, ordered) glass magnets with photos of some of my quilts on them. They are for my MIL who is also a quilter. I lost my mom many years ago, before I quilted. And she would have LOVED homemade quilts. Wish I had gotten the opportunity to make them for her.

  162. I'm eyeing those gray and whites!


  163. I've been to Vegas, but I didn't get to any quilt shops :(

  164. Oh my, that's a wonderful bundle of scraps! The red with white horse shoe really caught my eye. I just bought a Creative Grids Log Cabin Trim Tool ruler and would love to try it with these beautiful fabrics.

  165. I love the saturated prints on the bottom especially.

  166. I made my mom a flag mug rug. It turned out really cute!
    I love novelty fabrics and your selection is just groovy!
    Thanks for being willing to share your stash!

  167. I'm a very satisfied e-mail follower. :-D

  168. My family and I visited Las Vegas about 20 years ago. We stayed at Circus!Circus! because our kids were young. My husband and I gambled at the slots for a little while, but we quit and took the kids to the arcade and had a lot more fun!

  169. Love that aqua writing with the crossstitch, baby jane? The metal quilt blocks are cool. I don't have anywhere to put one so I don't know where I'd put one. but if I did, i'd like stars.

  170. mothers day in The Uk was March, so no mothers day making here! Sadly I have also never (yet) been to Las Vegas - I do love the tiny mice print in your scraps though! Thanks for the giveaway chance :-)

  171. What a lovely bundle! I love the one with pink spinning wheels.

  172. for mother's day I think I'll take my mom to a good restaurant :) Thanks so much for this great giveaway!

  173. I'm your loyal follower via bloglovin :)

  174. The white ducks and the little houses, its all good. Love scrap quilts.


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