
Monday, February 9, 2015

BOM's Away - Sew Sweet Simplicity!

I finished up the final two Sew Sweet blocks from Jacquelynne Steve's BOM. This is block Four:
And the second bonus block, block Six:

Lots of pieces to these blocks! I've really enjoyed piecing them, and adding to her Pinterest board.

Hopefully I will get a chance to play with setting options soon, however I have not even begun my February finish goal. Not to mention Le Challenge - our DOTS due date is only 4 short days away!

THANK YOU to Jacquelynne for leading this BOM and sharing her free patterns, and to Lyn, who hosts BOM's Away each Monday!


  1. Ooo! Heidi, your blocks look SO GOOD together! That's going to be a really neat quilt. Love the kiss of orange with the denims and creams.

  2. They look great. It will be fun to see how you finish this.


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