
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

January Goal ALYoF

I was not able to achieve my goal in December, to complete the little scrap quilt I made while quilting along with Lori, from Humble Quilts. This was a double-disappointment for me since I therefore missed out on the finishing party she held. Of course, I still enjoyed seeing all the different versions of the Cascadia Quilt-a-Long!
My version is very scrappy with not many repeats - I love all the little prints :-)
It was not my intention to heavily quilt it, it just sorta happened!
I still regret my background color, but somehow the extra quilting has helped.
Of course, it also made the edges a bit wonky...
Which made blocking necessary...

Here it is today drying on my (pink!) kitchen counter.

Finishing this little Pup is my official goal this month! It has been three months since I met a goal with ALYoF, and I reckon binding this is a very DOABLE one!

The bigger challenge for me right now is organizing my UFO's and creating a plan to finish a bunch of them this year. Pulling out old projects and sharing them online will feel a bit like airing undies I am afraid - it seems they are hiding in every crevice of the house.
2015 Goal Number One.
Hope your goals are off to a great start this year!


  1. I think it's a lovely quilt. All those treasures will make watching the quilt better than watching television!
    Hmmm, they should make it more fun to finish the binding too.

  2. Way to go, Heidi! I love the quilting fun on this - well worth the longer time spent doing it. Don't you love the magic of blocking for taming wavy edges?

  3. That is a darling quilt. I love the way you quilted it.

  4. I think it's beautiful! I think the green really compliments the scrappy look of the other blocks very nicely. And the quilting is lovely too. Well done!

  5. I think this is so beautiful! The green is different and so reminiscent of the retro fabrics you used.

  6. I do like it and hope that you will come to love it too.

  7. I love the quilting as well. It all looks good to me. Great job and congratulations on the finish.


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