
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

FMQ Progress - WIP Wednesday

After exhausting all possible excuses, I am finally quilting Donna's Star Quilt! This quilt was given first priority on the list that I created for 2015 Finish-Along, hosted by Adrianne this year, from On the Windy Side.
Unfortunately, I was not able to meet the deadline to link up, but I did spend a lot of time sorting UFO's & I still plan to knuckle down on finishes with the best of you this year ;-)

So, this one is coming along with three outta nine stars now quilted.

 I look forward to a time when selecting and beginning a FMQ plan does not give me anxiety.
Choosing the threads was a struggle as well. I think this is the first time I have used different color top and bottom threads and it made me very nervous since the back is mostly white. The variegated threads help to cover the little nubs that show on top, and I guess I will learn to live with the nubs that show on the back. The back thread is Wonderfil, much thinner thread than the 40wt on top. I thought this way the nubs showing on top would not be as apparent, and I could set the tension to mostly hide nubs on the back. So, here is a shot of the back. There are a couple areas where the purple nubs are more visible than what I captured here, but I am pretty happy with the results thus far.
I am pretty slow though! My minimum goal is to complete two stars per week. This way I can still work on another big goal I am working on; to clear my cluttered design wall. Thankfully, that is another post, for another day...

Linking up today with Lee at Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday . Thank you Lee!
Thank you for reading today, I would so love to hear any tricks you may have for quilting with different thread colors!
I have a sweet little finish to share this week as well
(yes, that'll be two posts in one week, what a groove I am on!)


  1. I love your fabric choices! I love batiks, and the way you have combined them in the stars, contrasted with the white background is stunning. The quilting looks wonderful. You don't need to worry about it at all. I look forward to seeing the completed quilt!

  2. You know how to make batiks shine. The CAPTCHA is on your blog comments. I listed yesterday on an easy fix.

  3. Even the idea of attempting FMQ gives me anxiety! Yours is looking great though :)


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