
Monday, July 28, 2014

Making Improv Blocks with Leaders and Enders - BOM's Away!

A bit of clean up was required in my sewing room over the weekend. It began as an attempt to prioritize my projects, however I was side-tracked a bit by all the 'scrappies' I keep near my machine. Groups are within reach so I can easily join two pieces when I am chain-piecing and want to avoid breaking thread.

I find if I just piece a few things without thinking about it, eventually one of them will inspire me. This block was completed early this year when I made matching Jewelry Rolls for myself and my BFF...
That first block inspired me to separate Lavender, Green, Gray, and Aqua/Turquoise scraps of all shapes and sizes. This is how the bin currently looks....
YTD, I have six blocks from this group. I photographed them and played with PicMonkey yesterday.
Collages are a great way to visualize setting colors! A darker gray, or black, would probably look better with this first collage.

I do like them with Kelly Green though, one of my all-time favorite colors...

Perhaps I will go with Teal when the time comes...

I may still add to some of these blocks since they really vary in size.
More likely, I will design similar settings that bring them together.
Each one has some sort of memory from a prior project -
perhaps I will name it 'The Memory Keeper'.

Thank you for reading - hope you have a great week!

Linking up with Jen at Building Blocks Tuesday!


  1. Wow....just love all those blocks and the colors are fantastic.

  2. I'm in love. :) What a fun palette, and I particularly like that teal with them. "Memory Keeper" is a fab name, too!

  3. I just love what you have done with those scraps and the colour palette is to die for!

  4. What fun. I just finished up a set of leader/enders, I should figure out what to do next. Thanks for linking up!

  5. Love your color scheme and use of scraps. Doing a few at a time while sewing other projects is such a good use of time.


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