
Friday, September 6, 2013

Scrappy Carpenter's Wheel Quilt Block Tutorial

This recipe makes TWO 12.5" blocks!

Read through instructions prior to beginning.

Cut TWO each of 32 different scrap fabrics;  2 3/8" square.
Cut 64 x 2 3/8" squares background fabric
Cut 32 x 2" squares background fabric

1. Pencil line diagonally across the wrong side of the background (32 X 2 3/8") squares.

2. Select eight prints you would like for the center star. Pair one of each of these up with a background square, right sides together, and with the pencil line on top. Chain stitch 1/4" from diagonal line, and again down the other side of the line. Stitch as accurately as possible to avoid trimming squares later!
3. Cut across the center line, and finger press (or iron) the seams in your preferred manner. (Open, or toward the side of the darker fabric). You will have HST squares - set aside eight of them for the second block.
4. Next, take a look at the top picture, and choose eight colors you like for the points located at the N., S., E., & W. positions. Pair all of the print blocks (16) with background squares, chain stitch all 16 squares with the same technique as step #1, stitching 1/4" from diagonal. Follow step #3 as well, and set aside 16 of these squares for the second pillow block.
N, S, E, and W points after making HSTs

5. Select eight more print colors, and repeat these steps again, sewing only ONE of each of these prints. Cut them apart to make 16 HSTs and again, set aside the duplicates for that second pillow block..
6. To pair up the colored print squares that are remaining, you may want to now lay out all your center HST's to better visualize your placements. The four center blocks, (as well as the three squares in each corner) are HST squares made of colored prints only, instead of the background fabric. You need to match these up, and then sew them with the same HST method, and again setting aside the duplicates for block two.
Lay out the center section and assemble
Set cent aside, and now layout N,S,E,& W points so you can layout the corner colors


 7. Add the 2" background squares to your design board, and you should now have 62 x  2" squares all ready to assemble!

Now fill in the center, and the 2" background squares
You are ready to assemble the columns, and then the rows!
Assemble the columns, then the rows, pressing seams with your preferred method - either open seams or, as I did, alternating from one direction to the other so you will be able to 'nest' your seams when sewing the rows together.
Next, assemble the second square, add your borders, & quilt the top(s)if desired.     
NOTE: If you plan to quilt the block prior to attaching backing, oversize borders are recommended to account for quilting 'shrinkage'. The blocks may then be trimmed to size prior to attaching backing.       
That's it! Please let me know if you have any questions!




  1. Great tute! And love your pillows! The quilting on them looks amazing :*)

  2. This looks like a great block! I can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing.


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