
Monday, September 16, 2013

Maybe it wasn't my FIRST time, but it wasn't long thereafter....

I was blessed with this precious bundle!

New mom of two weeks. Likely this was taken with a 110 pocket camera..
Melissa at My Fabric Relish is looking for stories and pictures of our first time experiences, and I understand the topic is QUILTS,
not BABIES...
but if I had not had this baby boy, I am not sure the quilting bug would have bit at all!

Is it obvious that I did not know if I was expecting a boy or girl?
I quit working about 6 or 7 months into pregnancy and, with very little experience, I began sewing like mad - sleepers and things for the baby. My first quilt was a result of all the leftover fabrics.

This beauty is technically not a quilt, since it did not occur to me at the time to tie or quilt it. I just whipped up all the little squares, no matter what the fabric content (mostly poly flannels(!), some stretch fabs(!), and even pre-quilted fabric I had used for a bunting. Nevertheless, this quilt survived brutal abuse and hundreds of washings over the years, and it led to my passion for quilting!

From there, I next made a Carpenter's Square wall hanging, inspired from a library book.
Looking back, I don't think it was actually a quilting book since I apparently did not learn any quilting 'rules'.  The back fabric is folded over to the front and stitched to make the binding. I still actually love this little beauty and it is hung proudly - in my walk-in closet - for my own viewing pleasure only. Well, until now that is...
I hand quilted the motifs with no regard for thread, knots, or the back of the quilt at all...
And what of that little boy wonder? He got the itch as well, about 11 yrs later, and the project fit right into mom's easy-going homeschool curriculum.

What a fun link up! Reading through the stories of other 'Firsts' as well as the beautiful photos shared with them, made me a bit reluctant to share my own. But this is my story, and I will share it proudly!

Update: Looks like I missed the boat again - the linky part is closed! Does this type of thing happen to you all the time too?

1 comment:

  1. Too bad you missed the link party! Melissa should reopen it because there are so many great stories not told yet. I've missed a few by hours or a day before, too. Still glad you shared your story. I think its great how you just went for it and made that sweet baby quilt out of all the scraps from your other baby sewing! What a keepsake! Here I have been saving worn out clothes to make a memory quilt someday and you got one right off the bat. Pretty cool.


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